Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'm really amazed by how much emotion the fairy tail manga can convey..I think it stirs up more emotions in me than the anime..which I find really amazing because usually shows are supposed to make you feel more emotional? With all the soundstracks and the voices and all. I don't know how to explain how come his manga makes me more emotional...I suck in absolutely every picture he draws and I feel myself absorbed and immersed into the characters worlds and emotions. It helps that his drawings are usually quite easy to make out, because the main problem that I have with reading manga is that sometimes I really can't tell what is inside the picture. HAHA.

His manga clearly portrays the emotions of the characters and I really feel for them and along with them too. I cried when I read the chapter about Jellal leaving and being locked up...but I didnt cry when I saw the episode of that. And I'm on the verge of tears when I read Erza's arc...all her tears and sadness, I can feel it from the manga...but in the anime, though it was really sad and i was sad too, well not as tear inducing I guess. I really like Erza, and she is so beautiful in the manga. She's so strong yet vulnerable at the same time..and I really like characters which can hold their own and are not damsels in distress. I don't mind damsels in distress I guess, IF they do make an effort to at least try and do something. And I'm so glad Erza's story is going in the direction which I like...hehehe. Call it Mr Hiro's fan service or whatever, but it still makes me feel so warm inside. And at least the romance in there is not at all was so complicated and heart breaking and tough for Erza and Jellal to get to where they are and I am happy for them whereever they are at now. I'm lapping up every Jerza moment there is! And anxiously and eagerly awaiting every new chapter ;D

Alright I have to leave NOW. As usual I think I am going to be running abit late. hmmm. sigh. and I'm not getting any replies from the places i reallly really want to work at T.T aaahhh pleaseeee. sigh.
and no false hopes please =.=

byeee of I go.

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