Saturday, January 21, 2006

New blogskin!!

hello peeps! hope you like my new blogskin. Isn't it cute? :P. Hope you people like my song too. It's been 3 weeks le...wonder how all of you are doing. =) Really wanna see you all again some time. School has been okay so far, nothing much already, except for the lessons, which aren't exactly very interesting. Geography sounds very complicated. Mr Teo just kept on droning on during the second lesson..I almost fell asleep. hehheh. :P But his english lesson is much more interesting. Science is fun, but Mrs Kee is like very strict and fierce. I always feel quite scared during her lessons. haha. The 3 people who are sitting on the same table (my lab partners), are also quite wary of her. I remember the most recent time we were at the lab, we had to heat some stuff with the bunsen burner. Nat was doing the experiment with Eugenia, and I with Desiree. Then we were heating the evaporating dish and the test tubes. Nat and Eugenia were going to wash off some soot or something I think, not very sure what they were doing, but they were at the sink anyway. Then one of them turned the tap to the fullest, and the water came bursting out. It wet poor Nat. haha. She was sooo wet man!! Her shirt and her skirt was full of water. All of us were laughing, and Eugenia was like half-laughing and half saying, "Oh my god, how? how? what happened?". The floor was also real wet, and because we stepped around it a bit, it became quite black. :P. but we didn't get a scolding...phew. On the way back, all 4 of us were laughing, not so Nat, she was quite distressed. haha =). But well, that was what happened during one lab lesson. We are also currently growing kang kongs for our hydroponics project thingy. Fun huh? We went to check on them today, and they're like 15cm tall already!! woah..there's one proud owner here..haha. My group always forgets to bring the camera, so we end up having to use Alyssa's phone to take the pics of the veges. well, so far, everything's been okay, and YES! can't wait for CNY to come...whee~! cya guys!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sec one Prefect's orientation..(fun, fun, fun)

Had the sec one prefect's orientation today. Had to reach school by 7.50. Haiz, so much for sleeping in on Saturday. :(. When we reached school, we went up to the hall and Mrs Chan told us what to do. First, we were sorted out into our groups. I was in the group " Hey! Arnold!" Yeah, that's a cartoon character. Cos this year the theme was on cartoon characters. Hehehe..Mel, you probably would have loved it. :D. There were groups like Dexter, Tweety, Donald Duck, The pink panther, Scooby-doo and a few more I can't remember..>.<. Well, after we got into our groups, the 2 prefects who were in charge of us, made us sit in a circle and made us introduce ourselves. we had to do the introduction 3 times, cos we couldn't really hear one another. The 2 prefects were called Hui Fang and Sheridan (?? dunno how to I'll call you sheri ok? heh..sorry). I was in the same group as Qiying and Claire. We started out playing some games, then the real thing started. We had to go around the school and play some games. There would be another group playing the same game, so we were to compete against that group, and the winner would walk away with more points. The more points the better la, of course! The first game we played was at the track. Each group had a pail of water, and in the pail was 2 sponges. We had to take the sponges (which were filled with water), run to the end of the track and try to squeeze as much water as we could into the bottle. The group that had the most water in the bottle would win the game!! It was a fun game, and the prefects were there cheering away. Eventually, the opposing team won..but we still gave them 3 cheers, and they gave us another 3 in After that was more games. The games were really fun. One game was putting your foot into a bag of trash (just green paper and newspaper, really) and using a satay stick to search for a green ball. Then, you had to hop back with the green ball and put it on a plate. Hands were not allowed, but still can la. Another game was using a straw and blowing a rubber duck across the water to touch a black peice of something. There were 3 tubs of water, so the duckie had to go through that thing 3 times. We won, blowing 22 ducks across the water in 7 minutes. We even broke the record by 2!! hahaha. then there was a balloon bursting game, in which we had to burst the balloon with a pink panther picture inside. For every wrong balloon burst, 3 points were minused. So Hui Fang went around checking which balloons had the pink panther inside, and those that didn't have a pink panther inside was thrown aside by her. Haha. I don't think that was allowed anyway. Then we had a spider-web game, where we had to help our team-mates go through some holes (which weren't very big), and get across to the other side. Touching the strings of the web would cause deduction of points. I was the last to go over, and Hui Fang and Sheri had quite a hard time lifting me..hahaha..But in the end they managed it, and I got over, beating the time by about 2 seconds..haha. There were about 3 or 4 more games, which were as fun, but I won't elaborate. The orientation ended with each of the groups doing their own individual cheer. In the end, we emerged as one of the consolation winners. Can't remember who was champion. But this sec one prefect's orientation was really super!! I love Hui Fang and Sheri, who were so enuthu and friendly and nice!! Thanks for buying snacks for us..=D. They are really nice people..can't believe they are also gonna be the people who will be booking us..haha! But on the whole, was a really great time I had..will never forget it!!
Went shopping at Orchad Road with mum after the orientation. Went there to buy chinese new year clothes. Walked around Robinsons but couldn't find much. Then we went to OG. OG has lotsa nice clothes-and clothes for people my age too. =D. Prices are quite reasonable bah, but some can be quite expensive. After walking around for about 2 and a half hours, I bought 2 skirts from OG and my mum bought a pair of 3/4 pants (also from OG). So far I've only been getting nice and reasonable clothing for my age from OG. My denimn skirt was alos from OG and it's nice.. =). Well, happy with the lot. Will go shopping for tops one day..!! hehes

Saturday, January 07, 2006


It's the end of the first week of school. SCGS is a nice school. The building is nice, big and clean... :D. And the seniors there are very friendly and enthusiastic..which makes them very nice people. The sec one girls from SC pri are okay, don't really interact with them much. Joy is quite an exception..she's much more friendly and funny. =P Enjoy looking at her when she is in action..haha..Orientation was on Tuesday and Wednesday. We didn't do much during orientation, just sat around in the Lecture Theatre listening to each of the CCAs promoting their own CCA, and sitting around in class getting to know the teachers. We had peer leaders to take us round the school and play games with us. The peer leaders are nice people..enjoyed going around with them. The teachers are also very nice. My form teacher is Mrs Karen Chia..she's really cute (hehe) and friendly..and seems to be quite easy-going. She teaches us maths, and the co-operating teacher, Miss Soh, teaches us Higher chinese. Miss Soh is also really friendly and (seems) easy-going. The geography teacher, Mr John Teo, even allows us to eat and sleep in his class!!! So cool!! hehe The science teacher, Miss Kee, sounds and looks rather fierce, but I think should be okay teacher, Miss Angela Goh, is also nice...PE teacher..rather strict, Literature teacher is on the whole, really great batch of teachers. Lessons started on Thursday. The teachers just briefly told us what we were going to do for this year. The programme sounds really fun. :D:D We're even going to do some hydroponics on monday!! YAY!! :P That's about it for the week.Oh, saw Michelle Cheong and Yuek Ho at the Tampines bus interchange today, hehe...they going to Dunman High for some dinner. Haha,hope you people have fun. Tomorrow we're gonna have a prefect's orientation..wonder what we're going to do..whooo.~ Can't wait for CCA to start. Gonna be in Dance with Shanice, Weiqin, Yiting and Kit Ying!!! wheeeeEE!! :D:D Love you people and love scgs and love 1 SY!!! xoxoxo