Friday, 26th October, was the last day scgs 2sy 07 got to be 2sy 07. It was the last day of school, and it was the last time our class would be together as a class. Everyone was taking pictures and we spent our time doing stupid things in the canteen and courtyard, all the time sticking together. During assembly, our whole class wore light sticks and went up together to dance. Well, that was the last time we would be doing anything together as a class.
To me, 2sy was really a great class, game for anything and always willing to take up any challenges. At first, our class was really unbonded but as the time went by, we gradually learnt to accept one another and all of us formed close bonds. We went through so many things together, camp, cheer competition, talentime, chinese new year performance...we did all those things as a class, and i'll really really miss those times we spent together. Even though everyone was always talking during discussions, and even though it was frustrating trying to get the class to do things, in the end, our presentations to the whole school was always fine. We always managed to perform well and even when we made mistakes and just laughed our whole way through, we made sure we had fun. Well, at least, you guys made it fun for me!
I've enjoyed myself immensely with you guys, be it in class having lessons or during the 2.4km run, or the GREAT EASTERN RUN, where we participated as a class, it was really great knowing the whole class was there. In class, we always had fun during lessons and I'll always remember Mrs Hee and her funny antics and how we always enjoyed ourselves laughing at her. I'll remember how we went through the exams together, and how we always complained about questions and stressing out together. I'll remember all those lit lessons, where you guys would always be having a huge debate; I'll remember music lessons, where we sang together; I'll remember the art lessons! Where we always sat there stoning.. heh. i'll remember the pe lessons, where we played captains ball and had so much the ball always seems to slip through our hands, and the falling down, everything. I'll remember our first class cheer competition, where we really really flunked it, and some of us were even reading the lyrics behind vanguard sheets! I'll remember camp, where we all got muddy together and carried heavy kayaks, and complained about wanting to go home. I'll remember the chinese new year performance, where we did spastic things and wore masks and just did funny things on stage. I'll remember talentime, where we all had so much fun doing Food Glorious Food and Chicago, i remember Cheryl and Tricia's frantic, shrill screams and how the whole class had fun laughing and doing up our item. I think our item was a huge, huge success. I enjoyed dancing chicago for the open category in like 2 inch heels, and getting the darn heel caught in my long pants, drawing laughs from the 2co people backstage...LOL. And I really thought it was so cool seeing the whole class being orphans, and Cheryl being the juicy plum chicken..haha! And even though we didn't win talentime, in my heart, we won it with gold with honours! =D We were fantastic! And I'll remember the last day of school during the Indian dance performance, where our whole class went up to try out the Indian steps. We goofed around but still managed to be spontaneous! And I'll definitely remember all the stupid things we did in the courtyard and canteen on the last day of school. Running and jumping around the courtyard holding hands and lying down on the floor... we really did let it go that day.
And of course...I'll remember all the 3 people who are leaving!
-Esther Phua, my darling tuition teacher. I'll remember your low commando like voice which always helps to bring the class back together. I'll always remember the delicious snacks you always eat during break (ha!). =P You were always there to laugh and listen to me. I remember when I sat with you during chinese lesson, and I just crapped around, but yet you tolerated it and talked with me! I remember how you always encourage people to do their best..especially during any physical activity or during exams. And of course, I remember you always patiently tutoring me in my hopeless physics, and going through those darn circuit calculations with me. You didn't just tutor me like a stone, you made me interact and made sure I understood, and you'd wait with me until I managed to get the concepts. Even after the exam, when I got back my science paper, and realized I had gotten every single electricity mcq question wrong, you didn't sigh and get angry and look desperate and annoyed. Instead, you understood how I felt, and went through those questions with me. Most people would have just left me be because the exams were over anyway, but you didn't. You wanted to make sure I was able to understand even though the exam was over, and you taught me patiently, even though you've already taught me the same thing a million times. Thank you so much, and thank you for staying back to help me with my work. I really really love you lots and I feel so grateful to you. I really appreciate you always being there and available (thought maybe not on the telephone..HAHA), and for always volunteering your help. And I'll miss how you always sit outside the dance studio after tennis, and I'll miss waving to you. I'll really miss you and your tutoring! But anyways, all the best to you and do come visit! love you esther phua(h)! =D
-the darling twins. You guys leaving will make school much much more dull, and it's really hard for us to take it. You guys were so active in class and provided us with so much fun and laughter. You all were always the centre of any fun. Like at camp, you all did your Don't Stop Playing with my Head dance, and it was so funny and silly and even the camp trainers were laughing like ducks. Also, like at Yani's all played really hard and didn't mind when we pushed you into the pool.
:VAL: Thanks for always being there for me, for listening to me rant (remember the Sabriel book craze thing? you put up with that!) and for listening to my troubles and trying to solve them. Thanks for always being available when I want to talk about food or guys or anything under the sun. Thanks for always waiting for me even though I'm always so slow..(hahaha), and thanks for always accompanying me everywhere. Going to Tao's with you will always be a great and unforgettable memory for me. Watching movies and discussing hot guys like channing tatum is really interesting! (right) Going to camp with you was loads of fun too. Seeing you being less xiao jie for once and screaming in the mud was entertaining..hahaha! And you'd always be a great sport and not mind any kind of teasing we put you through. You'd always try to help me with my work too, and make sure I'd understood everything. You're always there to provide happiness in my life, and I always looked forward to going to school because of you. On the last day of school, you told me you wanted to get to me and make me cry. Well val, i tell you, i cried like anything before i saw you. Joy and lao shi saw me crying val, YOU DID GET TO ME. And i'm already missing you like anything. But I'll be happy for you because i know that you leaving is your choice and i know you've thought a lot about it, and all the best! i really love you loads and loads and just remember i'll always be here for you! (be it in food or shopping or anything..)
:Van: You were always there too and I could talk to you about anything too. I remember how you always tried to restrain me from going to the toilet! hahha. And I thank you for always being there. Even though I'm not as close to you as I am to val, you were still really great to me. You put up with me and listened. And you'd try to solve my problems and all too! I'll really miss seeing you around and having you to make things fun. I'll miss your timmy and everything! love you lots too and good luck! come and visit ok!
I'll really really miss you 3 a lot a lot..and I just want you guys to know I love each and every one of you VERY VERY MUCH, and I wish you ALL THE BEST.
To 2sy'07, it has been a wonderful year and we've spent many great and uncomparable times together, and you guys will always be in my heart! I'll miss you all! I love you LOADS 2sy'07!

There! we lay down on the courtyard and made huge 2sy signs! it says 2 sy clearly! whoo! Love you guys always!
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