Whoo! Third day of Christmas! =) And I still HAVEN'T OPENED my presents yet. hehe.
A little bit of chocolate + a LOT of willpower + a little bit of digressing + a LOT of tired eyes=...?
that equation goes a LONG LONG LONG WAY IN...
helping you complete a piece of homework! HAHA.
yeah. I've managed to tackle another piece of lit homework...the Midsummer essay! yay!
Suddenly I can see LIGHT, HOPE! =) We CAN do this after all! HEHHEHHEH.
Well so this leaves me with my science and cutting out my picture book. Not too bad i suppose. Here's something interesting that i found whilst researching on midsummer.
Do not fall asleep under a Hawthorne tree or you risk being transported to the land of fairies where you will be trapped forever and spend the rest of your days, enjoying food,drink, love making (minus this la -.-) , music and merriment.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Haha, even though it's boxing day today (i've not opened ANY presents yet anyway, so you still have time to give me one if you haven't!!!!!), but don't forget, Christmas runs for 12 days!! So, I didn't put up my Christmas blogskin too late, neither did I put up my Christmas tree too late. =) Yes well anyway, I just want to wish everyone Merrry Christmas!
I've finally finished one essay (the Maori one), so I'll be bidding Maori goodbye until next year (which is coming soooooooonnnn anyway so...)! HEHEH.
So that leaves me with one more essay, (midsummer), just cutting out my picture book, and the science worksheets. YES I CAN DO THIS!!!
I WILLMUSTCANSHALLHAVETO finish all my homework before 31 december 07, new year's eve. NO MORE PROCRASTINATING CHANG JING RONG. First I wanted to finish my homework before going on holiday (5dec), then, since I couldn't, I decided to finish it by Christmas (25dec, yesterday...poots), then, now, by new years eve! I better do it man. If not I'll punch myself. HAHAHA.
Well, I wanna play one game of isketch! it's super fun i tell you! Like online pictionary (it IS online pictionary anyway...). www.isketch.net! WHOO!
ok i plan to get off this rectangular technological advancement that makes my eyes dang tired at night by 11, latest. so TATA.
Haha, even though it's boxing day today (i've not opened ANY presents yet anyway, so you still have time to give me one if you haven't!!!!!), but don't forget, Christmas runs for 12 days!! So, I didn't put up my Christmas blogskin too late, neither did I put up my Christmas tree too late. =) Yes well anyway, I just want to wish everyone Merrry Christmas!
I've finally finished one essay (the Maori one), so I'll be bidding Maori goodbye until next year (which is coming soooooooonnnn anyway so...)! HEHEH.
So that leaves me with one more essay, (midsummer), just cutting out my picture book, and the science worksheets. YES I CAN DO THIS!!!
I WILLMUSTCANSHALLHAVETO finish all my homework before 31 december 07, new year's eve. NO MORE PROCRASTINATING CHANG JING RONG. First I wanted to finish my homework before going on holiday (5dec), then, since I couldn't, I decided to finish it by Christmas (25dec, yesterday...poots), then, now, by new years eve! I better do it man. If not I'll punch myself. HAHAHA.
Well, I wanna play one game of isketch! it's super fun i tell you! Like online pictionary (it IS online pictionary anyway...). www.isketch.net! WHOO!
ok i plan to get off this rectangular technological advancement that makes my eyes dang tired at night by 11, latest. so TATA.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
those pics...
So don't blame me for piracy or anything.. -.-
So don't blame me for piracy or anything.. -.-
HEY PEOPLE! Hope you guys are soaking in the Christmas season now??
Anyway, I can't believe how fast time flies. It's going to be the new year soon!! And the longest holiday of the year is going to end soon. 2 months gone! And what have I done? Nothing much...hustle around doing lame stuff. Not even much of my homework is completed. I even lost the homework list! (oops) I guess I'm just not fated to do homework huh. Just like how I PLANNED to be doing homework NOW. but what am I doing? blogging!! (oops). ahhh well. This holiday hasn't really felt like a holiday. =( And I think I'm going to die next year because i'm taking triple and full lit half geog. Better brace myself for next year and treasure all this remaining free time (not actually free time because i have tons of things to do..boo..)!
Anyway, I went to watch the GOLDEN COMPASS yesterday at marina square! muaha, I went with my bro.. -.- So anyway we went to Carls JR for dinner and i had this patty meltz thingy which had a thousand little bits of onions which totally turned me off ok. I don't like onions! But i was feeling so hungry so i had to eat some of it. sigh. but i didn't finish it. muahahaha. oops. that wasted money! aiya so anyway, the movie was nice! There were a lot of heavyweight actors and actresses in that movie, and I am SOOO jealous of Dakota Blue Richards because she gets to act with all of them (aka Nicole Kidman, um, Daniel Craig, Eva Green [who's so pretty and cool!], Ian McKellen!, ...) And she got to work with FREDDIE HIGHMORE (who's the voice of Pantalaimon). oahsdfasbjskbajfbsabf. Freddie Highmore is super cute!! I like him a lot a lot! And she got to work with him!!!! ianguoasbguasb. I'm so jealous. EHHH I wanna work with Freddie Highmore too!! hahaha.
THIS is Freddie Highmore's character in the movie. lol. He can change into different animals! How cute! =)

I shall try to update more again! And I have a new Christmas wish:
Since I've changed my skin, I should post something right? And Alan reckons my blog is gathering spiderwebs so... -.- yeah ok. I shall give my blog some new meaning to life. =)
Man, I've got a lot of things I want to talk about..namely,
1) Sec 4 farewell
2) Salerosa, dance concert
3) My holiday in Hokkaido and Tokyo! hahaha
4)....and anything else that I can recall. HEH.
But I'm not going to talk about these things now because of lack of time. I have a date with Mr Homework!!! And I need to go to school later for invest scene practice!! And I have dance later at night too...arghhhhh. so many things!!
Anyway, I can't believe how fast time flies. It's going to be the new year soon!! And the longest holiday of the year is going to end soon. 2 months gone! And what have I done? Nothing much...hustle around doing lame stuff. Not even much of my homework is completed. I even lost the homework list! (oops) I guess I'm just not fated to do homework huh. Just like how I PLANNED to be doing homework NOW. but what am I doing? blogging!! (oops). ahhh well. This holiday hasn't really felt like a holiday. =( And I think I'm going to die next year because i'm taking triple and full lit half geog. Better brace myself for next year and treasure all this remaining free time (not actually free time because i have tons of things to do..boo..)!
Anyway, I went to watch the GOLDEN COMPASS yesterday at marina square! muaha, I went with my bro.. -.- So anyway we went to Carls JR for dinner and i had this patty meltz thingy which had a thousand little bits of onions which totally turned me off ok. I don't like onions! But i was feeling so hungry so i had to eat some of it. sigh. but i didn't finish it. muahahaha. oops. that wasted money! aiya so anyway, the movie was nice! There were a lot of heavyweight actors and actresses in that movie, and I am SOOO jealous of Dakota Blue Richards because she gets to act with all of them (aka Nicole Kidman, um, Daniel Craig, Eva Green [who's so pretty and cool!], Ian McKellen!, ...) And she got to work with FREDDIE HIGHMORE (who's the voice of Pantalaimon). oahsdfasbjskbajfbsabf. Freddie Highmore is super cute!! I like him a lot a lot! And she got to work with him!!!! ianguoasbguasb. I'm so jealous. EHHH I wanna work with Freddie Highmore too!! hahaha.
OK anyway the movie was quite nice. It was exciting and it moves quite quickly, so you'll never feel bored. There's a lot of action and fighting between the snow bears and people. Those fighting scenes can be quite scary you know! The bears roar so loudly and they jump out so suddenly it frightens me! Though my bro thinks the movie screwed Iorek a bit because he felt his "debut" was funny. -.- which wasn't really, because I was a bit scared when I saw Iorek, because when you first sees his face, it's like he roars at you (Lyra la actually). And they can roar really loudly! And when they walk or jump they make very loud sounds, like they shake up the whole area around them(I suppose the cinema speakers are just very very loud). Yeah so anyway, bottom line is: the snow bears were scary. But the bond between Lyra and Iorek is quite obvious. They show it very well in the movie. You could almost cry when Iorek fought Ragner! (the other bear king) They showed Lyra feeling so scared that Iorek would die. And I think many people in the audience also felt scared and a bit sad for him because he was sort of losing the fight at first. The movie is also quite funny. Lee Scoresby talks in a funny way and his actions are quite funny. Pantalaimon is also very cute and funny! (duh right, cos he's voiced by freddie highmore! HAHAHAHA). I think i'd recommend you to watch this movie, it's easier to understand than reading the book. =P Though it skips a lot of parts and the sequence isn't really the same as the sequence in the book. And the ending is really screwed I tell you. really really screwed. The movie's ending was Lyra flying in Lee's balloon with roger. ROGER!!! In the book, Roger is supposed to die in the end! (sorry roger,) And lyra isn't supposed to be flying, she's supposed to jump into another world, ALONE, with Pan. ?! so the ending was really abrupt, and weird. I wonder how they're going to continue with the second movie with the ending just hanging like that. AND Billy Costa died! How could he die?! He looked really cute and funny in the movie ok! In the book, he's NOT supposed to die. NO NO NO. =( But I really liked the snowy scenery and mountains in the film. It's so cool. Overall I think the movie's good.

THIS is Billy Costa and Roger. Billy is the one on the right. The one looking up. He's cute right? =D He isn't supposed to die ok.

MUAHA. And THIS is the real Freddie Highmore! (Don't think I'm crazy enough to craze over animals ok! -.-) Is he not just absolutely handsome? HAHHA. This isn't his best photo la. But anyway, he's cute.
I shall try to update more again! And I have a new Christmas wish:
TO WORK WITH FREDDIE HIGHMORE!!!! (HAHAHAH) Not that I'm an actress or anything anyway.
OK, I am off for my lovely date with MR HOMEWORK. BYE.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Last day of school
Friday, 26th October, was the last day scgs 2sy 07 got to be 2sy 07. It was the last day of school, and it was the last time our class would be together as a class. Everyone was taking pictures and we spent our time doing stupid things in the canteen and courtyard, all the time sticking together. During assembly, our whole class wore light sticks and went up together to dance. Well, that was the last time we would be doing anything together as a class.
To me, 2sy was really a great class, game for anything and always willing to take up any challenges. At first, our class was really unbonded but as the time went by, we gradually learnt to accept one another and all of us formed close bonds. We went through so many things together, camp, cheer competition, talentime, chinese new year performance...we did all those things as a class, and i'll really really miss those times we spent together. Even though everyone was always talking during discussions, and even though it was frustrating trying to get the class to do things, in the end, our presentations to the whole school was always fine. We always managed to perform well and even when we made mistakes and just laughed our whole way through, we made sure we had fun. Well, at least, you guys made it fun for me!
I've enjoyed myself immensely with you guys, be it in class having lessons or during the 2.4km run, or the GREAT EASTERN RUN, where we participated as a class, it was really great knowing the whole class was there. In class, we always had fun during lessons and I'll always remember Mrs Hee and her funny antics and how we always enjoyed ourselves laughing at her. I'll remember how we went through the exams together, and how we always complained about questions and stressing out together. I'll remember all those lit lessons, where you guys would always be having a huge debate; I'll remember music lessons, where we sang together; I'll remember the art lessons! Where we always sat there stoning.. heh. i'll remember the pe lessons, where we played captains ball and had so much fun..how the ball always seems to slip through our hands, and the falling down, everything. I'll remember our first class cheer competition, where we really really flunked it, and some of us were even reading the lyrics behind vanguard sheets! I'll remember camp, where we all got muddy together and carried heavy kayaks, and complained about wanting to go home. I'll remember the chinese new year performance, where we did spastic things and wore masks and just did funny things on stage. I'll remember talentime, where we all had so much fun doing Food Glorious Food and Chicago, i remember Cheryl and Tricia's frantic, shrill screams and how the whole class had fun laughing and doing up our item. I think our item was a huge, huge success. I enjoyed dancing chicago for the open category in like 2 inch heels, and getting the darn heel caught in my long pants, drawing laughs from the 2co people backstage...LOL. And I really thought it was so cool seeing the whole class being orphans, and Cheryl being the juicy plum chicken..haha! And even though we didn't win talentime, in my heart, we won it with gold with honours! =D We were fantastic! And I'll remember the last day of school during the Indian dance performance, where our whole class went up to try out the Indian steps. We goofed around but still managed to be spontaneous! And I'll definitely remember all the stupid things we did in the courtyard and canteen on the last day of school. Running and jumping around the courtyard holding hands and lying down on the floor... we really did let it go that day.
And of course...I'll remember all the 3 people who are leaving!
-Esther Phua, my darling tuition teacher. I'll remember your low commando like voice which always helps to bring the class back together. I'll always remember the delicious snacks you always eat during break (ha!). =P You were always there to laugh and listen to me. I remember when I sat with you during chinese lesson, and I just crapped around, but yet you tolerated it and talked with me! I remember how you always encourage people to do their best..especially during any physical activity or during exams. And of course, I remember you always patiently tutoring me in my hopeless physics, and going through those darn circuit calculations with me. You didn't just tutor me like a stone, you made me interact and made sure I understood, and you'd wait with me until I managed to get the concepts. Even after the exam, when I got back my science paper, and realized I had gotten every single electricity mcq question wrong, you didn't sigh and get angry and look desperate and annoyed. Instead, you understood how I felt, and went through those questions with me. Most people would have just left me be because the exams were over anyway, but you didn't. You wanted to make sure I was able to understand even though the exam was over, and you taught me patiently, even though you've already taught me the same thing a million times. Thank you so much, and thank you for staying back to help me with my work. I really really love you lots and I feel so grateful to you. I really appreciate you always being there and available (thought maybe not on the telephone..HAHA), and for always volunteering your help. And I'll miss how you always sit outside the dance studio after tennis, and I'll miss waving to you. I'll really miss you and your tutoring! But anyways, all the best to you and do come visit! love you esther phua(h)! =D
-the darling twins. You guys leaving will make school much much more dull, and it's really hard for us to take it. You guys were so active in class and provided us with so much fun and laughter. You all were always the centre of any fun. Like at camp, you all did your Don't Stop Playing with my Head dance, and it was so funny and silly and even the camp trainers were laughing like ducks. Also, like at Yani's party..you all played really hard and didn't mind when we pushed you into the pool.
:VAL: Thanks for always being there for me, for listening to me rant (remember the Sabriel book craze thing? you put up with that!) and for listening to my troubles and trying to solve them. Thanks for always being available when I want to talk about food or guys or anything under the sun. Thanks for always waiting for me even though I'm always so slow..(hahaha), and thanks for always accompanying me everywhere. Going to Tao's with you will always be a great and unforgettable memory for me. Watching movies and discussing hot guys like channing tatum is really interesting! (right) Going to camp with you was loads of fun too. Seeing you being less xiao jie for once and screaming in the mud was entertaining..hahaha! And you'd always be a great sport and not mind any kind of teasing we put you through. You'd always try to help me with my work too, and make sure I'd understood everything. You're always there to provide happiness in my life, and I always looked forward to going to school because of you. On the last day of school, you told me you wanted to get to me and make me cry. Well val, i tell you, i cried like anything before i saw you. Joy and lao shi saw me crying ok..so val, YOU DID GET TO ME. And i'm already missing you like anything. But I'll be happy for you because i know that you leaving is your choice and i know you've thought a lot about it, and all the best! i really love you loads and loads and just remember i'll always be here for you! (be it in food or shopping or anything..)
:Van: You were always there too and I could talk to you about anything too. I remember how you always tried to restrain me from going to the toilet! hahha. And I thank you for always being there. Even though I'm not as close to you as I am to val, you were still really great to me. You put up with me and listened. And you'd try to solve my problems and all too! I'll really miss seeing you around and having you to make things fun. I'll miss your timmy and everything! love you lots too and good luck! come and visit ok!
I'll really really miss you 3 a lot a lot..and I just want you guys to know I love each and every one of you VERY VERY MUCH, and I wish you ALL THE BEST.
To 2sy'07, it has been a wonderful year and we've spent many great and uncomparable times together, and you guys will always be in my heart! I'll miss you all! I love you LOADS 2sy'07!

There! we lay down on the courtyard and made huge 2sy signs! it says 2 sy clearly! whoo! Love you guys always!
Friday, October 05, 2007
free day!
And the day of freedom draws to an end... =( as I prepare to go for bc later..awww
I was so looking forward to this day and poof! it's all over! but never mind! at least I got a day to while around and "hustle" about doing things..(as my bro says)...and to just not study! ahhahahah!
I watched ONE PIECE today! Quite a few episodes..I think about 10..hehe..and i feel the luffy obssession starting again! AHHA!
And I think Usopp is such an idiot. But his expressions are always super funny! Everyone go watch one piece! I cooped myself up at home today, and I'm really wondering what some other people were doing..hee..i bet andrea was watching anime too! and..i don't know..
I don't even know why i'm blogging...OH YEAH ANYWAY,
yesterday was super fun! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and it was one of the best days of my life ever! going out with val, chuch and andrea was really really fun! and tao's is just great! and ratatouille (i don't know how to spell it..) was really cute too! Though we were late for the movie due to the long lunch at Tao's. We were like 35 minutes late for the movie..hehheh..and when the ticket collector guy tore off our tickets he looked at his watch and he looked very shocked and this "woah i can't believe how late you girls are.." expression crossed his face. LOL. sorry la! Then we went to sit down in the cinema..i don't think we missed a lot actually..lucky us! We didn't want to bother the people who were sitting so comfortably and were sort of pretending not to notice us as we fretted about looking for our seats, (what with Chuch bending down so close to the floor to look at the seat label until her nose was practically on the carpet. haha!), so we sat somewhere that was close to the entrance. At first when Chuch sat down, Val was doing this crazy thing. She was putting out her hands in front of her and trying to feel for the seat beside chuch's one. she looked like a blind person and it was super comical. but her actions weren't in vain because there was actually no seat beside chuch! LOL. there was a hole between 2 seats! =P So we sat in the row in front of that holey place. imagine if val had really sat down when there were no seats! hehehe!
and having lunch at tao's was really fun too! val was super loud and noisy there..hehe =) and it was chuch's, ahem, birthday yeah...i took some pictures..but i don't know how to upload them so maybe i'll try again some other time when my bro is free to teach me how to do it.
OK I think i shall just press on a bit and watch one last episode of one piece before i shower and get ready to go for class! OH i have cca tomorrow and i'm going for MS LEE'S class tomorrow! woah! it's been so long since i went to crestar and i miss it! it's time to blow off the dust from me! i'm no longer an ancient artifact and i shall be going for crestar tomorrow! whooooo..
I was so looking forward to this day and poof! it's all over! but never mind! at least I got a day to while around and "hustle" about doing things..(as my bro says)...and to just not study! ahhahahah!
I watched ONE PIECE today! Quite a few episodes..I think about 10..hehe..and i feel the luffy obssession starting again! AHHA!
And I think Usopp is such an idiot. But his expressions are always super funny! Everyone go watch one piece! I cooped myself up at home today, and I'm really wondering what some other people were doing..hee..i bet andrea was watching anime too! and..i don't know..
I don't even know why i'm blogging...OH YEAH ANYWAY,
yesterday was super fun! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and it was one of the best days of my life ever! going out with val, chuch and andrea was really really fun! and tao's is just great! and ratatouille (i don't know how to spell it..) was really cute too! Though we were late for the movie due to the long lunch at Tao's. We were like 35 minutes late for the movie..hehheh..and when the ticket collector guy tore off our tickets he looked at his watch and he looked very shocked and this "woah i can't believe how late you girls are.." expression crossed his face. LOL. sorry la! Then we went to sit down in the cinema..i don't think we missed a lot actually..lucky us! We didn't want to bother the people who were sitting so comfortably and were sort of pretending not to notice us as we fretted about looking for our seats, (what with Chuch bending down so close to the floor to look at the seat label until her nose was practically on the carpet. haha!), so we sat somewhere that was close to the entrance. At first when Chuch sat down, Val was doing this crazy thing. She was putting out her hands in front of her and trying to feel for the seat beside chuch's one. she looked like a blind person and it was super comical. but her actions weren't in vain because there was actually no seat beside chuch! LOL. there was a hole between 2 seats! =P So we sat in the row in front of that holey place. imagine if val had really sat down when there were no seats! hehehe!
and having lunch at tao's was really fun too! val was super loud and noisy there..hehe =) and it was chuch's, ahem, birthday yeah...i took some pictures..but i don't know how to upload them so maybe i'll try again some other time when my bro is free to teach me how to do it.
OK I think i shall just press on a bit and watch one last episode of one piece before i shower and get ready to go for class! OH i have cca tomorrow and i'm going for MS LEE'S class tomorrow! woah! it's been so long since i went to crestar and i miss it! it's time to blow off the dust from me! i'm no longer an ancient artifact and i shall be going for crestar tomorrow! whooooo..
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
It's just english paper 2 tomorrow so practically everyone is relaxing right now. And I missed my blog so much I decided to blog! HAHAHA!
But I bet noone will come and visit..after having been absent for..um..4 months? I have no idea..
Actually I'm sort of supposed to be getting dinner now (by myself, how sad! mum's out and so is bro and dad..)..but I just feel like blogging!
Anyway, i am SO HAPPY my exams are almost over! I was dying these past few weeks from mugging. And I was especially dying over the last weekend..because on first october, we had SCIENCE and HISTORY exam. WORSTEST combination! argh! so i was studying and mugging and just waiting for the night to come so I could sleep. But i think the sec threes had it worse. They had bio and something else..history is it? I have no idea..but anwyay the sec 3s have finished their exams! and i shall OFFICIALLY FINISH MINE TOMORROW!
And then I shall be going to watch a movie with Chuch, Jen, Andrea and Val! and then we shall be going to Tao's..which I have no idea what kind of place it is..but val and chuch insist it's really good so..
Ahh..I feel so freeeee! and happy! I can't wait for tomorrow, when everything shall be over!
I think exams were kind of screwy..a bit. And maths today was...hrm..not very good, shall we say? I didn't know how to do quite a number of questions..THEN for paper 2, Mrs Lee was invigilating our class, and it was quite scary when we walked around! heh..felt a bit pressurized. but at the same time, I also felt..relieved. =)
History, Lit, Science and Geog, all the heavy mugging and writing subjects..i managed to finish writing my answers in the nick of time. Especially for history, I thought I had 2 hours! And I thought we were finishing the paper at 12.55 when actually we were supposed to finish at 12.40. So i was like happily doing my paper and wondering how come my time management was so good and how come i had so much time left, when Mrs Fernandez suddenly said "GIRLS YOU HAVE 15 MINS LEFT" and i was SO SHOCKED! Because I had the WHOLE of the last essay question to do! I had to do 2 6 marks questions and one 13 mark question in 15 mins?! so i rushed and chionged and in the end, i managed to finish writing down some main points. HEH.
tomorrow is eng...ahh..I think i better go and practice a beeeeetttt..so i won't feel so guilty. hahahah! But then again, I went to the library in the afternoon (after math) and i borrowed some books and i read a bit of them! is that counted as practice? =D
Haha..when everyone knew i was going to the library they thought i was mad. But then..i love the library la! especially the pasir ris one, where andrea and i always do cip! it's such a nice comfy place! and i love reading! =) but i'm not the only "crazy" one to go to the library..Xinyuan and Bala went to the bugis one too! see? =) I saw them on the bus when i was with Dkoo, andrea, chuch and desiree (though she was just listening to her music), and then they started talking about how chuch was a stylo aunty. LOL. i TOTALLY agree!
Ok...i don't really have much to talk about now..i suppose i shall go have some dinner now! i can't wait for fri where i can just laze around and do absolutely NOTHING! no studying obviously..but i bet mum will make my clean up the living room table, which is brimming over with all my books and worksheets.
=( ah well, some housekeeping first maybe? before the nothingness. OH AND I PLAN TO WATCH ONE PIECE...LUFFY!!!!~~~~
to all the rest of my darling friends out there who are still having their eoys, ALL THE BEST! and all the best to the psle people too!
and, if you see him, tell him a certain someone ... ... him.
and it shall be a fantasy and a dream that will never come true, just as always, and just like all those fantasies before.
It's just english paper 2 tomorrow so practically everyone is relaxing right now. And I missed my blog so much I decided to blog! HAHAHA!
But I bet noone will come and visit..after having been absent for..um..4 months? I have no idea..
Actually I'm sort of supposed to be getting dinner now (by myself, how sad! mum's out and so is bro and dad..)..but I just feel like blogging!
Anyway, i am SO HAPPY my exams are almost over! I was dying these past few weeks from mugging. And I was especially dying over the last weekend..because on first october, we had SCIENCE and HISTORY exam. WORSTEST combination! argh! so i was studying and mugging and just waiting for the night to come so I could sleep. But i think the sec threes had it worse. They had bio and something else..history is it? I have no idea..but anwyay the sec 3s have finished their exams! and i shall OFFICIALLY FINISH MINE TOMORROW!
And then I shall be going to watch a movie with Chuch, Jen, Andrea and Val! and then we shall be going to Tao's..which I have no idea what kind of place it is..but val and chuch insist it's really good so..
Ahh..I feel so freeeee! and happy! I can't wait for tomorrow, when everything shall be over!
I think exams were kind of screwy..a bit. And maths today was...hrm..not very good, shall we say? I didn't know how to do quite a number of questions..THEN for paper 2, Mrs Lee was invigilating our class, and it was quite scary when we walked around! heh..felt a bit pressurized. but at the same time, I also felt..relieved. =)
History, Lit, Science and Geog, all the heavy mugging and writing subjects..i managed to finish writing my answers in the nick of time. Especially for history, I thought I had 2 hours! And I thought we were finishing the paper at 12.55 when actually we were supposed to finish at 12.40. So i was like happily doing my paper and wondering how come my time management was so good and how come i had so much time left, when Mrs Fernandez suddenly said "GIRLS YOU HAVE 15 MINS LEFT" and i was SO SHOCKED! Because I had the WHOLE of the last essay question to do! I had to do 2 6 marks questions and one 13 mark question in 15 mins?! so i rushed and chionged and in the end, i managed to finish writing down some main points. HEH.
tomorrow is eng...ahh..I think i better go and practice a beeeeetttt..so i won't feel so guilty. hahahah! But then again, I went to the library in the afternoon (after math) and i borrowed some books and i read a bit of them! is that counted as practice? =D
Haha..when everyone knew i was going to the library they thought i was mad. But then..i love the library la! especially the pasir ris one, where andrea and i always do cip! it's such a nice comfy place! and i love reading! =) but i'm not the only "crazy" one to go to the library..Xinyuan and Bala went to the bugis one too! see? =) I saw them on the bus when i was with Dkoo, andrea, chuch and desiree (though she was just listening to her music), and then they started talking about how chuch was a stylo aunty. LOL. i TOTALLY agree!
Ok...i don't really have much to talk about now..i suppose i shall go have some dinner now! i can't wait for fri where i can just laze around and do absolutely NOTHING! no studying obviously..but i bet mum will make my clean up the living room table, which is brimming over with all my books and worksheets.
=( ah well, some housekeeping first maybe? before the nothingness. OH AND I PLAN TO WATCH ONE PIECE...LUFFY!!!!~~~~
to all the rest of my darling friends out there who are still having their eoys, ALL THE BEST! and all the best to the psle people too!
and, if you see him, tell him a certain someone ... ... him.
and it shall be a fantasy and a dream that will never come true, just as always, and just like all those fantasies before.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hello everyone! You guys have probably given up on me..but I'm back right now! =D
Just came back from Board dinner at Swensens at Plaza Sing.
I might be having a guilty conscience, but...I don't want to face it. I don't want to know it, nor do I have it. I'm just harming myself and I know it, so it's ok..right? I'll see you guys. sometime. I don't want to go there yet, or anytime for that matter. so there. i want to have a life and enjoy it.)
It was a fun time, though Ann didn't come. =( even subha was like so depressed that she wasn't there! haha! I had the bbq half chicken thingy, and so did Chuch. We sat together with Steph, Nicole C and Joyslyn. Rather pathetic huh. Yeah our table was so sad man! But never mind, it was still cool. =) The sec 4s were right behind us, so it was ok. And Fang was nearby too, so...it was definitely noisy and unboring. At first she wanted to sit at our table, and she even moved her chair to join us, and even brought her cutlery! =.= and then after that she moved back. so mean! heh. But the five of us had a fun time.
The feeling that was lost sometime ago finally came back with this dinner, although quite a number weren't present, but I was able to feel the warm love from everyone throughout the dinner. Cameras flying everywhere also felt so familiar. And we made so much noise too, just like at fish n co the other time. HAHA. i think the staff were quite glad when we left. And Nicole and I are rather.. hee..unlucky? When we were going to get the bill, one waitress who was going to walk past us suddenly lost her footing (i think) and her tray slipped and everything on it came tumbling down. All the porcelain plates crashed to the floor, and everything just shattered. It was so shocking. Nicole and I were standing there without moving. Then we just decided to walk back to our table. hee. well, i think it must have been quite embarrassing for the waitress, but it's ok! =D everyone makes mistakes. haha, and chuch could still be an idiot when we went back, asking me if the crash was spectacular. like.. err!! i was rather scared that something might hit us actually, and cut us or something. hahaha. But nothing big happened.
Chuch attracted quite a lot of attention when she brought her cake today. haha. it was quite nice, but i still think mine is nicer! yay! you rock sam! =D Sam made me this really chocolatey cake for my birthday. It was absolutely heavenly! hohoho! Thanks so much sam! Love you lots. Chuch's cake was melting and all because it was mousse. Quite funny. It looked like runny pink mucus. hee, no offence. But hey, it was nice and yummy! And it was Jolene's birthday today! She got some special ice cream during the dinner today. =)
At the end of the dinner, Cammie presented the whole board with some jigsaw puzzles which had all our faces on it. It was so sweet. After that, we stalled outside swensens taking pictures. Then I went off with Jazreel, Ying Zhao and Jolene to walk around. Ahem, they wanted to shop, but didn't buy anything in the end. So after a while, I went back with the birthday girl. Haha, she was really tired! Rest well!
Ok so anyway, this is about all that happened today. I love my scpb ohana like lots and lots! You guys make my life! see you all soon! And ann! i love you too! hahahha! my boooooodeeeeesss.
night everyone! I'm off to watch one piece! hopefully i can finish one episode! =P
Just came back from Board dinner at Swensens at Plaza Sing.
I might be having a guilty conscience, but...I don't want to face it. I don't want to know it, nor do I have it. I'm just harming myself and I know it, so it's ok..right? I'll see you guys. sometime. I don't want to go there yet, or anytime for that matter. so there. i want to have a life and enjoy it.)
It was a fun time, though Ann didn't come. =( even subha was like so depressed that she wasn't there! haha! I had the bbq half chicken thingy, and so did Chuch. We sat together with Steph, Nicole C and Joyslyn. Rather pathetic huh. Yeah our table was so sad man! But never mind, it was still cool. =) The sec 4s were right behind us, so it was ok. And Fang was nearby too, so...it was definitely noisy and unboring. At first she wanted to sit at our table, and she even moved her chair to join us, and even brought her cutlery! =.= and then after that she moved back. so mean! heh. But the five of us had a fun time.
The feeling that was lost sometime ago finally came back with this dinner, although quite a number weren't present, but I was able to feel the warm love from everyone throughout the dinner. Cameras flying everywhere also felt so familiar. And we made so much noise too, just like at fish n co the other time. HAHA. i think the staff were quite glad when we left. And Nicole and I are rather.. hee..unlucky? When we were going to get the bill, one waitress who was going to walk past us suddenly lost her footing (i think) and her tray slipped and everything on it came tumbling down. All the porcelain plates crashed to the floor, and everything just shattered. It was so shocking. Nicole and I were standing there without moving. Then we just decided to walk back to our table. hee. well, i think it must have been quite embarrassing for the waitress, but it's ok! =D everyone makes mistakes. haha, and chuch could still be an idiot when we went back, asking me if the crash was spectacular. like.. err!! i was rather scared that something might hit us actually, and cut us or something. hahaha. But nothing big happened.
Chuch attracted quite a lot of attention when she brought her cake today. haha. it was quite nice, but i still think mine is nicer! yay! you rock sam! =D Sam made me this really chocolatey cake for my birthday. It was absolutely heavenly! hohoho! Thanks so much sam! Love you lots. Chuch's cake was melting and all because it was mousse. Quite funny. It looked like runny pink mucus. hee, no offence. But hey, it was nice and yummy! And it was Jolene's birthday today! She got some special ice cream during the dinner today. =)
At the end of the dinner, Cammie presented the whole board with some jigsaw puzzles which had all our faces on it. It was so sweet. After that, we stalled outside swensens taking pictures. Then I went off with Jazreel, Ying Zhao and Jolene to walk around. Ahem, they wanted to shop, but didn't buy anything in the end. So after a while, I went back with the birthday girl. Haha, she was really tired! Rest well!
Ok so anyway, this is about all that happened today. I love my scpb ohana like lots and lots! You guys make my life! see you all soon! And ann! i love you too! hahahha! my boooooodeeeeesss.
night everyone! I'm off to watch one piece! hopefully i can finish one episode! =P
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Ms Lim
I thank you for being a wonderful and great teacher to us Ms Lim. =) You really went out of your way to force answers out from us, and you always thought of so many new ideas as to how to conduct lessons. You let us do what we wanted, and even let us watch movies! And Dead Poets Society was just absolutely fabulous. I really don't want you to leave, but I suppose it can't be prevented. At least our class photos include you! yay! =D All the best to you! And i really really love you Ms Lim! You must come and visit us!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I have a boyfriend and his name is LUFFY. 

Andrea supports me right? YAY ANDREA!
There look at how he looks like! hahaha! you can't see his face exactly but..yeah he's very handsome LOL.

Yup ok so this is Luffy! He's a RUBBERMAN. Good bye to superman and spiderman and batman.. =)Luffy is a stretchable person!! Even his bones and veins are stretchable too!
Whee ok anyway..I wanted to play wow but then I was doing all my research on marshmallows. =) They first originated in Egypt! And there is a special mallow plant! GAH! I feel like stealing it! haha. and the websites that I found the information from are the coolest websites ever!! =))
Anyway thanks to Adele for helping me print it. love you!! Tomorrow there's math and lit test. OH NO. I'm rather scared. Unseen poetry for lit. what if I don't understand it? Never mind. Must be positive! haha! And ANDREA..don't be sad ok! I know your om is and will be the greatest ever! love you too!
Suddenly I have this huge surge of love for some people. I don't know why. But on Saturday especially i was thinking of them and I really felt..blissful? I don't know. But I know i am going to be very sad when they have to go (which is like quite soon in fact), and I suppose that made me happy to know that they were around and that they were here and that I was able to meet them. =) I love you guys! You always never fail to make me happpy! I love your happiness and your care! I really love you guys! But I did feel sad thinking about this too..so let's start cherishing them now!! =)
Ok, see you guys! BYE. <3
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Sports Day!
It was sports day yesterday! =D It wasn't extremely fun or great, but at least it's better than sitting in class, just listening to lessons. It was very very hot though. Krit and I think we're probably going to get a tan. =P
Had to report very early, 6.20, because of marching. I met Nicole and Michelle outside the stadium. All the red crossers and guides were there. Nicole and Michelle told me the gate was locked, so we just stood outside there waiting. then Mel Luki came along..and then when Nicole and I went to check the gate, we realized it was open! =.= =.= =.= We waited there for 10 minutes for nothing! Plus when we went in, Salome immediately bombarded us for being late. AHHH WELL. Never mind. We were really stupid, I admit. So anyway, after we went in, we practiced our marching again, and we fell into our positions. I hadn't clipped my bolero to my pinafore, so Mel Leong and Sandra helped me. yay! thanks =D actually I asked Steph to help me, then she said it was her mum who helped her so.. But isn't it kind of weird that you have one side pinned by someone and another side pinned by someone else? EHH.
Very soon, after we fell in and everything, we had to go and stand at a senang deri position on the field. It was kind of wet, and squishy (but nothing can ever beat adventure camp so yeah), but we still had to stand there anyway. Not that bad la, not very hot and there was a bit a bit of breeze. We started standing there at about 7.15, and we stood there all the way til 7.45! Pretty cool huh! I never stayed so silent and still at a position before! My left arm was really aching though, dunno why, so I was sort of pulling it straight. haha. And during the National Anthem and also while I was standing, there was this really irritating fly that was flying around. I didn't move (couldn't move luh) so it settled on my leg and began walking up and down. So ticklish i tell you! I just bent my leg a bit but it wouldn't go off. GRR. But I survived. =)
We listened to Cherie's command and started to march. I'm really sad because this year I don't get to see NCC march. I think their marching is super duper cool. All so co-ordinated. And their uniform is also so smart! But anyway, from the back, I think the pb's marching was quite good too! =) Mr Ang said it was good! Thank you Mr Ang!
And Cherie is so cool! Pretty pretty yo! =D
Yeah so anyway, after our marching, I changed into our class-tee. Didn't do anything much after that. Just sat around, taking some of Andrea's chips and just looking around and stoning and camwhoring with Krit, Nicole, Eugenia. Our class didn't win the relay or anything, but I think all of them (Xinyuan, Bala, Vanessa and Yani) ran really fast! You guys rock! =P
But the PB and Dance won! Yay! Even though SCPB didn't win first, but we still got second, and I think that's really great! =DD NCC won for that race. So cool huh! And Denyse and Isabelle and Emily Nickles can run so fast! Especially Denyse! I never knew man! When she ran the 400m, she just ran so fast and she kept at that pace throughout the whole race. She kept a wide margin between her and the next runner! She was so fast! OHMY I am so impressed with Denyse! She is my new idol! HAHA. NOOO. I'm kidding.
Well, so after all the races ended and everything, there was prize giving, and our guest of honour, Dr Priya Sen gave away the prizes. Dr Priya treated me last time I went to NSC! COOL! I wonder if she still remembers me..but anyway, she's very nice! So after the prize giving (where Krit and I sat on the grass under the hot sun, ack. I think we were the only ones actually sitting on the grass and mud. My skirt became rather brown as a result.. heehee), sports day was officially closed. Oh yeah! And my darling buddies were so cool!! Ann looked so smart and cool (super duper ncc like) and VERY VERY FIERCE in her NCC uniform. And Subha RUNNNSSSS fast too! =D I love you my darling buddies! SUBHA EAT MY CAKE IF NOT I'LL NEVER GIVE YOU ANYTHING AGAIN!
After sports day, Yani, Joce, Joy, Val and I went to Macs to have lunch, before we went off to Yani's house to do up English project. Macs again.. huhhhh..unhealthy, but so convenient and rather nice. What to do? I had to leave early because I had tuition, and even then, I was late..but never mind! HEE. Saw Darren and his cute friend at BC today. His friend is so short and cute! haha! And now, I am interested in Dante's Peak! =)
OH YES! Popo's birthday was a great great thingy! It was at Roland's restaurant again..and this time we got the karaoke room! YAY! It's so much better being in a room with your own family. <3>
Oh yes, and spirit of the class. It was really bad. really really really bad. Our class got 4/20?! But anyway, everything was really last minute. Chuch and I were standing in front holding big vanguard papers and we had our lyrics behind it! So we were reading from the lyrics paper. What to do? It was really long and hard to memorize. But let's not dwell into details! 2SY shall start anew and fresh! haha!
Gotta go now! see you guys! <3
Had to report very early, 6.20, because of marching. I met Nicole and Michelle outside the stadium. All the red crossers and guides were there. Nicole and Michelle told me the gate was locked, so we just stood outside there waiting. then Mel Luki came along..and then when Nicole and I went to check the gate, we realized it was open! =.= =.= =.= We waited there for 10 minutes for nothing! Plus when we went in, Salome immediately bombarded us for being late. AHHH WELL. Never mind. We were really stupid, I admit. So anyway, after we went in, we practiced our marching again, and we fell into our positions. I hadn't clipped my bolero to my pinafore, so Mel Leong and Sandra helped me. yay! thanks =D actually I asked Steph to help me, then she said it was her mum who helped her so.. But isn't it kind of weird that you have one side pinned by someone and another side pinned by someone else? EHH.
Very soon, after we fell in and everything, we had to go and stand at a senang deri position on the field. It was kind of wet, and squishy (but nothing can ever beat adventure camp so yeah), but we still had to stand there anyway. Not that bad la, not very hot and there was a bit a bit of breeze. We started standing there at about 7.15, and we stood there all the way til 7.45! Pretty cool huh! I never stayed so silent and still at a position before! My left arm was really aching though, dunno why, so I was sort of pulling it straight. haha. And during the National Anthem and also while I was standing, there was this really irritating fly that was flying around. I didn't move (couldn't move luh) so it settled on my leg and began walking up and down. So ticklish i tell you! I just bent my leg a bit but it wouldn't go off. GRR. But I survived. =)
We listened to Cherie's command and started to march. I'm really sad because this year I don't get to see NCC march. I think their marching is super duper cool. All so co-ordinated. And their uniform is also so smart! But anyway, from the back, I think the pb's marching was quite good too! =) Mr Ang said it was good! Thank you Mr Ang!
And Cherie is so cool! Pretty pretty yo! =D
Yeah so anyway, after our marching, I changed into our class-tee. Didn't do anything much after that. Just sat around, taking some of Andrea's chips and just looking around and stoning and camwhoring with Krit, Nicole, Eugenia. Our class didn't win the relay or anything, but I think all of them (Xinyuan, Bala, Vanessa and Yani) ran really fast! You guys rock! =P
But the PB and Dance won! Yay! Even though SCPB didn't win first, but we still got second, and I think that's really great! =DD NCC won for that race. So cool huh! And Denyse and Isabelle and Emily Nickles can run so fast! Especially Denyse! I never knew man! When she ran the 400m, she just ran so fast and she kept at that pace throughout the whole race. She kept a wide margin between her and the next runner! She was so fast! OHMY I am so impressed with Denyse! She is my new idol! HAHA. NOOO. I'm kidding.
Well, so after all the races ended and everything, there was prize giving, and our guest of honour, Dr Priya Sen gave away the prizes. Dr Priya treated me last time I went to NSC! COOL! I wonder if she still remembers me..but anyway, she's very nice! So after the prize giving (where Krit and I sat on the grass under the hot sun, ack. I think we were the only ones actually sitting on the grass and mud. My skirt became rather brown as a result.. heehee), sports day was officially closed. Oh yeah! And my darling buddies were so cool!! Ann looked so smart and cool (super duper ncc like) and VERY VERY FIERCE in her NCC uniform. And Subha RUNNNSSSS fast too! =D I love you my darling buddies! SUBHA EAT MY CAKE IF NOT I'LL NEVER GIVE YOU ANYTHING AGAIN!
After sports day, Yani, Joce, Joy, Val and I went to Macs to have lunch, before we went off to Yani's house to do up English project. Macs again.. huhhhh..unhealthy, but so convenient and rather nice. What to do? I had to leave early because I had tuition, and even then, I was late..but never mind! HEE. Saw Darren and his cute friend at BC today. His friend is so short and cute! haha! And now, I am interested in Dante's Peak! =)
OH YES! Popo's birthday was a great great thingy! It was at Roland's restaurant again..and this time we got the karaoke room! YAY! It's so much better being in a room with your own family. <3>
Oh yes, and spirit of the class. It was really bad. really really really bad. Our class got 4/20?! But anyway, everything was really last minute. Chuch and I were standing in front holding big vanguard papers and we had our lyrics behind it! So we were reading from the lyrics paper. What to do? It was really long and hard to memorize. But let's not dwell into details! 2SY shall start anew and fresh! haha!
Gotta go now! see you guys! <3
Monday, March 26, 2007
ahh life!
I am here to try and prove Joy and Alan wrong! Haha! But what use will this post be? Just a one liner..simple one! I am so tired anyway..my eyeballs are popping out from using the computer so frequently at night. OK, I shall update more another day. No piano tomorrow! yay! And I look forward to my ballet classes now. =D see you guys tomorrow!
I love my BC and I love Suching. Thanks for all those rings that you gave me Such! We shall do VC soon I promise! And we shall run to Melethil and over to Darnassus if you want. Haha. Your totems are cool. I love them!
Night you guys. Go to bed early so your eyes won't feel so tortured tomorrow.
OOH> finals of the arena tomorrow! I am so excited! I'm actually sort of rooting for UWC but anyway..go Hwa Chong as well! haha! I think these 2 teams are extremely good.
I love my BC and I love Suching. Thanks for all those rings that you gave me Such! We shall do VC soon I promise! And we shall run to Melethil and over to Darnassus if you want. Haha. Your totems are cool. I love them!
Night you guys. Go to bed early so your eyes won't feel so tortured tomorrow.
OOH> finals of the arena tomorrow! I am so excited! I'm actually sort of rooting for UWC but anyway..go Hwa Chong as well! haha! I think these 2 teams are extremely good.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
I AM BACK TO POSTING! After almost 2 months of absence, i am back! YAY! I am so proud! My blog is dead no longer!
There have been so many things happening after I stopped posting. Why, you might ask, did I stop posting. Well, urm, there have been not really much time, and everytime I use the computer, I have to do work, or I go and play BURNING CRUSADE!! Of course I'd rather be playing BC than blogging... =P hehe...so that's why I haven't been posting. And you might just ask again, then why am I posting now and not playing my precious BC? Well because I need to top up my account! There hasn't been stock for the card at all the places I've gone. like how sad is that? =( I want to level my blood elf! Kor John, watch out mans! Here I come! LOL.
Anyway, like I've said, LOTS LOTS LOTS of things have happened ever since I stopped posting. Invest, Xinmin Invest, CNY, Valentines Day, Adventure Camp, Dance, Badminton tournament, and a whole lot of other stuff. And I can't believe that next week will be the March Holidays! Time passes by so so so so quickly! The holidays won't feel like holidays to me. I have to go back to school EVERYDAY. For Dance. For the SYF. =( 8-10. OH NO. But I suppose we do really have to practice. We gotta keep up the SC dance standard yo! I have to be glad and thankful that I am in the syf I suppose.
Adventure Camp (28 feb-2 march) was disgusting and gross, but the ending was quite emotional, and I think our class bonded a lot during those 3 days. And this camp also helped me realize that my friends are like second family! They really looked after me and helped me along during this camp. THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS! I LOVE YOU! SPECIAL THANKS TO CHUCH AND SAM, WHO WERE ALWAYS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME. and for like, waiting for me no matter how long I took, especially in the shower. I always took a long time in the shower because I wanted to get rid of all the dirt. But that's not possible because the whole campsite is so muddy and everytime you walk mud will definitely get onto your shoes and legs. By the way, I threw both my dry and wet pairs of shoes away because they stank so much. Yep. Ok since I'm like talking about camp, I'll just continue. Yeah well so basically we did all those outdoor physical stuff, and I tell you, it was raining for practically the whole camp, and that's why the area became so muddy and marshy and slippery and gross. ack. And it just rained and rained and rained. It started raining on the first day right after we finished pitching our tents and while we were having our lunch. Then it continued raining so we had to kayak in the rain. We had to carry the kayaks too, and I think everyone nearly DIED carrying those heavy heavy heavy like gold bars kayaks. They were soooo heavy and there were like a trememendous number of them that we had to carry... whoo! everyone developed muscles after we came back. Ok, so anyway, we kayaked in the rain. My partner was chuch, and we kayaked pretty well. Chloe went by herself..rather pro huh? =D We didn't kayak for long. maybe at most for half an hour to 45 mins only. then after we kayaked, WE HAD TO CARRY THE KAYAKS BACK! I think everyone had a heart attack when we heard that piece of news. But, of course we carried the kayaks back. It was still raining so the area became very slippery and marshy. The ground became soft and marshy, and squishy and muddy, so everyone had to be extra careful because if you slip, ... well, the ending won't be so nice..let's just say. =) everyone was helping one another. class spirit yeah! when we finally finally managed to carry the kayaks back, we went for our shower. There was such a long queue, so the trainer asked us to go to the other toilet, which was a male toilet. -.- but a few of us did go, and YAY! those toilets hadn't been used so they were rather clean! But there was some funny smell. But anyway, thankful that we got clean unused toilets so most of us bathed quite happily. But there wasn't time to wash or shampoo my hair so I just rinsed it with water. Some of them didn't even use soap. LOL. =P but this is CAMP anyways. after that we had our dinner. take note, it was STILL RAINING. So after that we just played some hand squeezing game which turned out rather screwed. HAHA. But it was quite funny. After that, we didn't do much and just went back to our tents. Shared a tent with Chuch, Sam, Marylyn, Yani, Clara and Joyce. The tent was so pitch-black. Had quite a hard time holding my torch in one hand and trying to get my stuff out with the other. Managed to squeeze everyone on the wooden floorboards. everyone had space to stretch out almost fully! rather cool! I slept on top of my sleeping bag. Nice and comfy! it felt nice to sleep with my friends. =) Joyce put out a picnic mat to sleep on. Haha. Like her own house or something. I thought it would be quite hot actually, but guess what! surprise surprise, it was still raining, so it turned out to be rather cold, and I snuggled into my comfy sleeping bag. had a nice sleep! but sam talks quite a lot, and she's rather unpredictable. Sometimes her voice is loud and sometimes it's soft. So chuch had to keep shushing her. LOLS.
The next morning was still raining.
ok a bit of digressing here but i just came back from piano lesson. after i did my practical part i was supposed to do my theory, but I just sat there and stoned and just talked to my piano teacher about.. PENANG?! LOL. She was reading the life newspaper. Then after that when she went back to teach my brother I was just sort of twiddling my pen and stoning some more. =P i DO NOT like theory. It's so tedious and I don't get the grade 6 theory. And it's not of much use anyways. John thinks it's the stupidest thing on Earth. HAHA. I sort of agree? =) But I still got to take the exam, so I have no choice!! ack.
Ok I shall continue about Adventure camp sometime soon (I hope). Because I got to go have dinner in a while. And I shall continue about all the other stuff sometime soon too! I hope the stores have the wow card now..if not I'll wring their necks! AHH! =D Oh yeah, and today, we made choux pastry in home ecs! XD the kind of pastry used for cream puffs. Bala's and mine turned out.. good i think. I hope. haha. they were rather flat though. And the potato is all spilling out from my pastry. And my container cracked while I was in the train!!! but luckily, thankfully, NO potato spilled out or whatever. I think my pastry is all soggy now though. ew. Chuch's and Joy's turned out rather unique today..haha..theirs is always turning out very ... unique. =) It was brown and small. I tried it..but it was NICE YOU KNOW! It was crispy and salty. cool! Right so anyway, we learnt how to cook a new dish as well in home ecs. Potato with onions and chicken. Bala and I don't like peas..so we decided to leave the peas out. Yup ok..i gotta go for dinner! SAM HAPPY READING YO! BYE GUYS!
i miss beef! =(((
There have been so many things happening after I stopped posting. Why, you might ask, did I stop posting. Well, urm, there have been not really much time, and everytime I use the computer, I have to do work, or I go and play BURNING CRUSADE!! Of course I'd rather be playing BC than blogging... =P hehe...so that's why I haven't been posting. And you might just ask again, then why am I posting now and not playing my precious BC? Well because I need to top up my account! There hasn't been stock for the card at all the places I've gone. like how sad is that? =( I want to level my blood elf! Kor John, watch out mans! Here I come! LOL.
Anyway, like I've said, LOTS LOTS LOTS of things have happened ever since I stopped posting. Invest, Xinmin Invest, CNY, Valentines Day, Adventure Camp, Dance, Badminton tournament, and a whole lot of other stuff. And I can't believe that next week will be the March Holidays! Time passes by so so so so quickly! The holidays won't feel like holidays to me. I have to go back to school EVERYDAY. For Dance. For the SYF. =( 8-10. OH NO. But I suppose we do really have to practice. We gotta keep up the SC dance standard yo! I have to be glad and thankful that I am in the syf I suppose.
Adventure Camp (28 feb-2 march) was disgusting and gross, but the ending was quite emotional, and I think our class bonded a lot during those 3 days. And this camp also helped me realize that my friends are like second family! They really looked after me and helped me along during this camp. THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS! I LOVE YOU! SPECIAL THANKS TO CHUCH AND SAM, WHO WERE ALWAYS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME. and for like, waiting for me no matter how long I took, especially in the shower. I always took a long time in the shower because I wanted to get rid of all the dirt. But that's not possible because the whole campsite is so muddy and everytime you walk mud will definitely get onto your shoes and legs. By the way, I threw both my dry and wet pairs of shoes away because they stank so much. Yep. Ok since I'm like talking about camp, I'll just continue. Yeah well so basically we did all those outdoor physical stuff, and I tell you, it was raining for practically the whole camp, and that's why the area became so muddy and marshy and slippery and gross. ack. And it just rained and rained and rained. It started raining on the first day right after we finished pitching our tents and while we were having our lunch. Then it continued raining so we had to kayak in the rain. We had to carry the kayaks too, and I think everyone nearly DIED carrying those heavy heavy heavy like gold bars kayaks. They were soooo heavy and there were like a trememendous number of them that we had to carry... whoo! everyone developed muscles after we came back. Ok, so anyway, we kayaked in the rain. My partner was chuch, and we kayaked pretty well. Chloe went by herself..rather pro huh? =D We didn't kayak for long. maybe at most for half an hour to 45 mins only. then after we kayaked, WE HAD TO CARRY THE KAYAKS BACK! I think everyone had a heart attack when we heard that piece of news. But, of course we carried the kayaks back. It was still raining so the area became very slippery and marshy. The ground became soft and marshy, and squishy and muddy, so everyone had to be extra careful because if you slip, ... well, the ending won't be so nice..let's just say. =) everyone was helping one another. class spirit yeah! when we finally finally managed to carry the kayaks back, we went for our shower. There was such a long queue, so the trainer asked us to go to the other toilet, which was a male toilet. -.- but a few of us did go, and YAY! those toilets hadn't been used so they were rather clean! But there was some funny smell. But anyway, thankful that we got clean unused toilets so most of us bathed quite happily. But there wasn't time to wash or shampoo my hair so I just rinsed it with water. Some of them didn't even use soap. LOL. =P but this is CAMP anyways. after that we had our dinner. take note, it was STILL RAINING. So after that we just played some hand squeezing game which turned out rather screwed. HAHA. But it was quite funny. After that, we didn't do much and just went back to our tents. Shared a tent with Chuch, Sam, Marylyn, Yani, Clara and Joyce. The tent was so pitch-black. Had quite a hard time holding my torch in one hand and trying to get my stuff out with the other. Managed to squeeze everyone on the wooden floorboards. everyone had space to stretch out almost fully! rather cool! I slept on top of my sleeping bag. Nice and comfy! it felt nice to sleep with my friends. =) Joyce put out a picnic mat to sleep on. Haha. Like her own house or something. I thought it would be quite hot actually, but guess what! surprise surprise, it was still raining, so it turned out to be rather cold, and I snuggled into my comfy sleeping bag. had a nice sleep! but sam talks quite a lot, and she's rather unpredictable. Sometimes her voice is loud and sometimes it's soft. So chuch had to keep shushing her. LOLS.
The next morning was still raining.
ok a bit of digressing here but i just came back from piano lesson. after i did my practical part i was supposed to do my theory, but I just sat there and stoned and just talked to my piano teacher about.. PENANG?! LOL. She was reading the life newspaper. Then after that when she went back to teach my brother I was just sort of twiddling my pen and stoning some more. =P i DO NOT like theory. It's so tedious and I don't get the grade 6 theory. And it's not of much use anyways. John thinks it's the stupidest thing on Earth. HAHA. I sort of agree? =) But I still got to take the exam, so I have no choice!! ack.
Ok I shall continue about Adventure camp sometime soon (I hope). Because I got to go have dinner in a while. And I shall continue about all the other stuff sometime soon too! I hope the stores have the wow card now..if not I'll wring their necks! AHH! =D Oh yeah, and today, we made choux pastry in home ecs! XD the kind of pastry used for cream puffs. Bala's and mine turned out.. good i think. I hope. haha. they were rather flat though. And the potato is all spilling out from my pastry. And my container cracked while I was in the train!!! but luckily, thankfully, NO potato spilled out or whatever. I think my pastry is all soggy now though. ew. Chuch's and Joy's turned out rather unique today..haha..theirs is always turning out very ... unique. =) It was brown and small. I tried it..but it was NICE YOU KNOW! It was crispy and salty. cool! Right so anyway, we learnt how to cook a new dish as well in home ecs. Potato with onions and chicken. Bala and I don't like peas..so we decided to leave the peas out. Yup ok..i gotta go for dinner! SAM HAPPY READING YO! BYE GUYS!
i miss beef! =(((
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I have just eaten a cadbury chocolate egg. Yupp..literally an egg made of chocolate. It was filled with chocolate inside too. Looks like I can't stop pigging. sheesh. I feel sooo guilty! eek!seriously I think it was too much chocolate for me.
Last time in seminar Ann and I both brought Hershey kissables and we both finished all the 3 (or 2 packets?) that we brought, then after that I got sort of a terrible headache on the way back. HAHAHAHA.
I'm doing the home ecs brochure now..then I'm going to email it to Bala later. =) hee..I hope it's ok man! I managed to finish up the enormous pile of homework. hahaha..I'm a good good girl!!
Tomorrow's school again!! AHH..another busy week. I think I've been annoying Jocelyn!! hahahah! thanks joce! you're a dear. Tomorrow i got ballet again. and invest practice. and cca. Should I go for cca or invest prac? Was talking to steph about it just now. I think I would rather go for um, invest prac..but I wanna go for cca too! haha! Do XuJie's item. It's a pain to learn. Got bruises on my feet when i came back from the session.
Yesterday I went for 6.15 class to. And I know you guys look down on me lah...I don't care. I have some seriously dao seniors. Although some are nice but that's just a minority. They look right past me and act like I don't exist man. I was saying bye then they didn't even turn around! and I was right beside them..helloo!! argh. they make me angry...so what if they're good at dancing? -.-
OH MY. Nan has the New Moon book right?? I wanna get it tooooooooo!! I WANT NEW MOON! I got some Borders voucher thingy..i am going to use it to get BOTH new moon and twilight!! yay!! I can't wait to go Chinese New Year shopping, then I can go down to Orchard and get those books! yay! and I want more new clothes. hahahaha! I hope the shops will be having a super mega big gigantic sale because I think mum won't buy me anymore things. I already have some stuff from Melbourne. But I want more shoes. =) and some other stuff lah. But basically I don't think I got any time. Not until near chinese new year I suppose. and OH! I want VIVA PINATA! Someone care to get it for me? hahaha! If not kor and I will be pooling money to buy it! whoo
Alright, I don't think there's much else to blog about. I have been blogging super randomly but never mind!
and note..denyse's birthday is on the 24 of Jan! =P happy birthday in advance! ahha!
and oh! another note! I can't wait for Burning Crusade! ohmy!! 16 of Jan!! I can't wait to be a blood elf! they look cool! though that means I'll be like unfaithful to the alliance..but still!! whee! burning crusade!! come come come! I want my water elemental...roar..I can't wait!! more new worlds and everything else! ultra cool!! BURNING CRUSADE I AM WAITING!!
Last time in seminar Ann and I both brought Hershey kissables and we both finished all the 3 (or 2 packets?) that we brought, then after that I got sort of a terrible headache on the way back. HAHAHAHA.
I'm doing the home ecs brochure now..then I'm going to email it to Bala later. =) hee..I hope it's ok man! I managed to finish up the enormous pile of homework. hahaha..I'm a good good girl!!
Tomorrow's school again!! AHH..another busy week. I think I've been annoying Jocelyn!! hahahah! thanks joce! you're a dear. Tomorrow i got ballet again. and invest practice. and cca. Should I go for cca or invest prac? Was talking to steph about it just now. I think I would rather go for um, invest prac..but I wanna go for cca too! haha! Do XuJie's item. It's a pain to learn. Got bruises on my feet when i came back from the session.
Yesterday I went for 6.15 class to. And I know you guys look down on me lah...I don't care. I have some seriously dao seniors. Although some are nice but that's just a minority. They look right past me and act like I don't exist man. I was saying bye then they didn't even turn around! and I was right beside them..helloo!! argh. they make me angry...so what if they're good at dancing? -.-
OH MY. Nan has the New Moon book right?? I wanna get it tooooooooo!! I WANT NEW MOON! I got some Borders voucher thingy..i am going to use it to get BOTH new moon and twilight!! yay!! I can't wait to go Chinese New Year shopping, then I can go down to Orchard and get those books! yay! and I want more new clothes. hahahaha! I hope the shops will be having a super mega big gigantic sale because I think mum won't buy me anymore things. I already have some stuff from Melbourne. But I want more shoes. =) and some other stuff lah. But basically I don't think I got any time. Not until near chinese new year I suppose. and OH! I want VIVA PINATA! Someone care to get it for me? hahaha! If not kor and I will be pooling money to buy it! whoo
Alright, I don't think there's much else to blog about. I have been blogging super randomly but never mind!
and note..denyse's birthday is on the 24 of Jan! =P happy birthday in advance! ahha!
and oh! another note! I can't wait for Burning Crusade! ohmy!! 16 of Jan!! I can't wait to be a blood elf! they look cool! though that means I'll be like unfaithful to the alliance..but still!! whee! burning crusade!! come come come! I want my water elemental...roar..I can't wait!! more new worlds and everything else! ultra cool!! BURNING CRUSADE I AM WAITING!!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
new TSUBASA skin! whee!
YAY! here is a new skin! Christmas is over (so sad! =( boohoo!) and so I decided to change skin!! muahaha! Anyway, blogger had a problem yesterday so the skin could only come up today. nice skin right? yay for tsubasa! it rocks rocks rocks man!! =D and Syaoran and Sakura are so cool...especially Syaoran of course! =) ANDREA HELP ME FIND EPI 27!!!
Anyone knows where I can get the tsubasa episode 27 from? I want it in jap, and clear and the whole thingy too!! Right!
Had cca in the morning today. Ow ow ow, we did so much stretching in the morning, and my legs were all sore!! I hate having to do stretching so early in the morning (7.50 like that?!) So I couldn't really stretch and I didn't really stretch properly. I really hate pain. =( I think I was sort of putting myself into trouble and jeopardising my place in the syf but still... argh I need to learn to tolerate stuff. After all the stretching, we started on the dance. I'm doing that kneeling down thingy..and pain again! yike!we're sitting on our feet like how the Jap sit for dinner and all that, then we're lying down on the other people, and we have to stay like that for a very long time, and after that, when we got up, our feet were all numb and sore! haha! I kept on clutching Kathleen's hand..she was right across me. Then I was down there groaning and all some more. HEH. Kathleen was like whispering and whispering about pain also. So funny. I was squeezing her hand so hard! Then when the music finally came on, we had to wait a teensy while, then finally we could get up! AHHH.
But anyways, I think I can take it. I hope i can. =)
We love you Sam!! don't worry ok!! <3
Later I got to go for crestar class again. ahhhhh. =(( so sad! I wish I could just stay at home and do my own things. We've got a TON of homework!! eeek. And I haven't done my food log yet. errrr...that thing makes me feel guilty, cos I've not really been eating good stuff lately. Just now on the way home, I was snacking on my gummies la! this is not good, not good!! But i can't help myself!! how?? heeee. And I ate another fatty doughnut. I think I'm too stressed that's why I keep eating all the sweet food. HAHA. just kidding. better stop eating them!!
Ok, i'm like just lazing around now..I suppose I'll have to start on it now...
Anyone knows where I can get the tsubasa episode 27 from? I want it in jap, and clear and the whole thingy too!! Right!
Had cca in the morning today. Ow ow ow, we did so much stretching in the morning, and my legs were all sore!! I hate having to do stretching so early in the morning (7.50 like that?!) So I couldn't really stretch and I didn't really stretch properly. I really hate pain. =( I think I was sort of putting myself into trouble and jeopardising my place in the syf but still... argh I need to learn to tolerate stuff. After all the stretching, we started on the dance. I'm doing that kneeling down thingy..and pain again! yike!we're sitting on our feet like how the Jap sit for dinner and all that, then we're lying down on the other people, and we have to stay like that for a very long time, and after that, when we got up, our feet were all numb and sore! haha! I kept on clutching Kathleen's hand..she was right across me. Then I was down there groaning and all some more. HEH. Kathleen was like whispering and whispering about pain also. So funny. I was squeezing her hand so hard! Then when the music finally came on, we had to wait a teensy while, then finally we could get up! AHHH.
But anyways, I think I can take it. I hope i can. =)
We love you Sam!! don't worry ok!! <3
Later I got to go for crestar class again. ahhhhh. =(( so sad! I wish I could just stay at home and do my own things. We've got a TON of homework!! eeek. And I haven't done my food log yet. errrr...that thing makes me feel guilty, cos I've not really been eating good stuff lately. Just now on the way home, I was snacking on my gummies la! this is not good, not good!! But i can't help myself!! how?? heeee. And I ate another fatty doughnut. I think I'm too stressed that's why I keep eating all the sweet food. HAHA. just kidding. better stop eating them!!
Ok, i'm like just lazing around now..I suppose I'll have to start on it now...
Friday, January 12, 2007
school starts once more
Once again, school starts!! sighh..
It's like just the second week of school, and i already have a huge pile of homework waiting for me. oh nooo..i got cca tomorrow and miss Lee has just announced to us that 6.15 class on saturday is compulsory. =(
ah well, never mind.we must persevere! ha! =)
anyways, other than having work and everything else, school has been grreat so far. I'm sitting with Chuch in class. Haha. It gets a bit annoying when she knows all the answers to the questions that the teachers ask in class. cOs she'll be like saying the answer in a soft voice and i'll sit there feeling stupid. haha! =)
Joy and val are right behind us. Eugenia is diagonally behind me. Yani and Marylyn are in front of us! Yay! what a great seating arrangement! It's fun.
The teachers are ok. but i miss mrs Chia and miss Soh lotsa. I'm a bit scared of the history teacher actually. heee.
We've been having a lot a lot of invest practices. 3 times a week. But i enjoy going for them. it's fun to be with everyone, and the play is funny! haha! especially our cabaret one! it's cool! BURN! *sizzle* LOL. and I love being in the audi too. WHEE! everyone should come and watch invest mans! But I suppose it's also the people in the scpb that make me look forward to school and invest practices and everything else. They are motivation man! =) and I'm also so glad to be back with my friends.
There mostly has been lessons and all going on. But we had SEC ONE ORIENTATION LAST SATURDAY!! It was super cool man!
I was in charge of the group called CADBURY (YUM!) with JOLENE. =D There were 10 games to play, but we didn't finish all of them. We were the last group! hehehe! =) I think we took up a lot of time trying to get points. HAHA. we are greedy. But i think the games were really fun! very very interesting. Especially steph's and zayana's game..walking on a mixture of egg, soap and shampoo, passing eggs to your group members as you cross to the other side. haha! Jolene and I played the game, and we sorta smelt funny after that. =P Then there was another game where the team members had to be blind-folded and then led across to the other side of some benches. Cammie and Salome were in charge of that game..and I tell you..they were like so noisy! they kept on trying to mislead the girls, then Salome kept screaming as if they girls were going to fall off the bench. very funny mans! after orientation we had to stay back in school for invest practice. haha! I think everyone was like super dead. It was hot and we were tired from orientation. We lied and lazed around in the hall. ha! =)) oh yeah, and Jolene bought CADBURY for our group members. haha! thanks! <3>
alright, that's about it for the week I suppose, but all the sec 3s and 4s have a later recess so we don't get to see them. how sad!
Ok, I've been really holed up this whole week! tired tired!! haha! see you guys man! I hope to sleep very early today! whoo!
Oh yeah, happy happy birthday to Cherie, Shu Ying and Valerie and Vanessa!! <3>
And happy belated birthday to darling Joy!! hope you had a great day that day! yay!
And happy birthday in advance to Jazreel!(see I know when your birthday is! remember mine ok!! =P) haha! <3
It's like just the second week of school, and i already have a huge pile of homework waiting for me. oh nooo..i got cca tomorrow and miss Lee has just announced to us that 6.15 class on saturday is compulsory. =(
ah well, never mind.we must persevere! ha! =)
anyways, other than having work and everything else, school has been grreat so far. I'm sitting with Chuch in class. Haha. It gets a bit annoying when she knows all the answers to the questions that the teachers ask in class. cOs she'll be like saying the answer in a soft voice and i'll sit there feeling stupid. haha! =)
Joy and val are right behind us. Eugenia is diagonally behind me. Yani and Marylyn are in front of us! Yay! what a great seating arrangement! It's fun.
The teachers are ok. but i miss mrs Chia and miss Soh lotsa. I'm a bit scared of the history teacher actually. heee.
We've been having a lot a lot of invest practices. 3 times a week. But i enjoy going for them. it's fun to be with everyone, and the play is funny! haha! especially our cabaret one! it's cool! BURN! *sizzle* LOL. and I love being in the audi too. WHEE! everyone should come and watch invest mans! But I suppose it's also the people in the scpb that make me look forward to school and invest practices and everything else. They are motivation man! =) and I'm also so glad to be back with my friends.
There mostly has been lessons and all going on. But we had SEC ONE ORIENTATION LAST SATURDAY!! It was super cool man!
I was in charge of the group called CADBURY (YUM!) with JOLENE. =D There were 10 games to play, but we didn't finish all of them. We were the last group! hehehe! =) I think we took up a lot of time trying to get points. HAHA. we are greedy. But i think the games were really fun! very very interesting. Especially steph's and zayana's game..walking on a mixture of egg, soap and shampoo, passing eggs to your group members as you cross to the other side. haha! Jolene and I played the game, and we sorta smelt funny after that. =P Then there was another game where the team members had to be blind-folded and then led across to the other side of some benches. Cammie and Salome were in charge of that game..and I tell you..they were like so noisy! they kept on trying to mislead the girls, then Salome kept screaming as if they girls were going to fall off the bench. very funny mans! after orientation we had to stay back in school for invest practice. haha! I think everyone was like super dead. It was hot and we were tired from orientation. We lied and lazed around in the hall. ha! =)) oh yeah, and Jolene bought CADBURY for our group members. haha! thanks! <3>
alright, that's about it for the week I suppose, but all the sec 3s and 4s have a later recess so we don't get to see them. how sad!
Ok, I've been really holed up this whole week! tired tired!! haha! see you guys man! I hope to sleep very early today! whoo!
Oh yeah, happy happy birthday to Cherie, Shu Ying and Valerie and Vanessa!! <3>
And happy belated birthday to darling Joy!! hope you had a great day that day! yay!
And happy birthday in advance to Jazreel!(see I know when your birthday is! remember mine ok!! =P) haha! <3
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