Monday, February 27, 2006

Dylan's b'dae party

ELLO. Today Dylan had a birthday party. But I had to go there LATE. Because of what? Ballet rehearsal for that stupid Shanghai thingy. Actually it isn't stupid la..but it like cut RIGHT THROUGH the first part of the party, and i missed the magician show, which everybody said was nice, and i also missed out on some games and worst of all, i missed out on the TIME THAT I HAD WITH MY COUSINS!!!!!!! GRRRRRR. Was cursing and muttering under my breath throughout that rehearsal. Kept on praying that we would be let off early or sth, but in the end, it still ended aroungd 8, and i was like flying out of Crestar. Kor kor J came to pick me up, and soon I was back at Darren's house. EVERYONE was there already, of course, and they just started eating their steamboat dinner. So cool right? STEAMBOAT u noe!! WHOA! there was a steamboat thingy on every table, and there were like 6 tables or sth, so quite a lot la. There was a lot of food too, so, as I was very hungry (wey, 2 hour class followed by 2 hour rehearsal, of course i will be hungry la!), I took quite a lot...heh. The tom yum soup was real yummy! Em and Mel finished dinner before me, and the whole lot of them went up to play, leaving me and Manda, who was NIBBLING her corn ever SO SLOWLY. By the time I had finished, she was still down there happily chewing, so I went up first. Found out that they were playing whack-o with a pillow.Looked fun, so I joined in. Later Man and the boys came in, and it indeed became very fun. LOL. Was a lot of screaming and laughter, cos the reaction of some people was very funny. Very ci ji game la..but it was so DARN FUN LA!!!!!! After some time we had to go down and cut cake. The cake was a pikachu mean, it had a BIG pikachu picture on the front..(hey Dylan's only 6). Actually I'd already seen the cake, cos I saw Uncle Fabian buying it when I went down to Q bread to buy some snacks. So he let me peek!! WAHAHAHA...<3.>

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