Friday, December 29, 2006
a new year
ok..anyway, besides that, yesterday we went to do duty at Miss Heng's farewell dinner. We had to be at Orchard hotel by 2, then we also wanted to have invest prac before that, so I was rushing like mad yesterday to try and get out of the house early. HAHA. I was about half and hour late i think. when i reached school, Subha wasn't even there yet!! we waited cos she had the music, and finally she arrived! we practised just once through then we had to go off for lunch. We had lunch at Waffletown, and it was raining quite heavily, and we were rushing out of time, so we took a cab down to the hotel. when we got there, we saw Zayana!! haha! she left so much earlier but she arrived at the same time as us..
so after we went up to the ballroom area, joy and i dashed into the holding room for the choir. there we saw the darlings! jocelyn, val, andrea and charlotte!! =)) it was super good to see them again. missed them so much..though i often go out with andrea to do cip! hah! we spent quite some time talking..and ANDREA! CHEER UP OK! YOU CAN GO HOME WITH ME EVERYDAY! AND WE STILL LOVE YOU LOADS!
after that, we were pulled off to do some decorations and make the ballroom look even more pretty..and the choir was pulled of to do rehearsals. jane, jolene, steph, joy and i were put in charge to do some tying ribbon thingy. we had this dark green bow, then we put a light green ribbon behind it, and tied the whole thing with a gold ribbon! cool huh! just like the school colors..and we divided the work up too, so it was like a factory. hahaha! i was making the bow, then i would pass it to jane, who would work with jolene to tie the light green one and the gold one! haha! so cool right! joy and steph were cutting the ribbons. but after joy cut the ribbons, she set about doing the whole bow herself. argh. here jane, jolene and i were, doing one bow between the 3 of us, and there joy was. but never mind! it was cool! and we managed to see the rehearsals of the performers. ha! =P
we finished 65 bows, then we went around the tables tying them onto the number stand for each table. then we had to adjust the bows to make sure they looked nice. hoho. then after that we helped the rest to tie the gold string on the book. the book was a gift for everyone. we were quite panicky while doing the book, cos we still had loads to go, but not much time. i admit that i was really slow in tying the string though. heee. and joanne was so funny. cos Miss Kim kept asking us if we could do it, then joanne was like, "very fast one, very fast one." haha. that was very cute.
but of course we managed to finish it!! yup! then we went off for dinner. we walked round and round..oh ya, halfway through, hui fang was held up by some guy who wanted donations ok..and yesterday i just gave $2 to some teenagers who claimed that they were helping out some poor people. they were those people selling the pens, and val, andrea and jocelyn told me they were fake! but i didnt know how to talk myself out of that situation, so i had to give money. there were 2 of them there ok!! yike! i hope that money is put to good use!! =)
but hui fang managed to talk out of that..lucky! haha. so we finally went to subway to eat..we went to a place which had a direct entrance from the hotel, and we walked round and round just to get there! i had a tuna sandwich from cost $3.95! hahaha..i kept below the money! LOL.
after dinner, we rushed back, to do ushering. there were sooo many people. i was hoping to see Mrs Chia but i think she didn't come. =( we didn't really say goodbye to her. but we did see Miss Soh. She was late though, so she had to rush in, couldn't talk to us. she waved though! haha! =D
after everyone was inside, we took some drinks from the counter guys, and we snacked! haha..on the peanuts.. =) then joanne and jolene left, then steph and i left. that's about all!
happy retirement Miss Heng! <3
see you guys for invest prac today! bye! i am off to wow! yay! hopefully today's server is better, i kept disconnecting yesterday. righto!
happy new year in advance! and i got an oven! my christmas wish! yay! now i can bake! haha! dad is great man! =) he bought this multi-purpose oven thingy. hee. i am going to try it out on saturday with mum!
seeyou! xD
Friday, December 15, 2006
I am writing this to cover up that previous post..actually i wanted to blog about melbourne..but i don't have the time now..because i am dashing off to watch tsubasa <3!
anyway, I have saved a draft on melbourne which i most probably will be posting later tonight if i come back on. I got piano later...ooh. sigh.
oh yeah..anyways..chalet details..
and all the rest of the details meiying has put in the class blog already right? yi chian told me the venue was missing so here it is up here on my blog! the 6ayers that come to my blog please pass the word down. thank you. =)
and i am still looking for a christmas skin. hahaha. but i am rather unsuccessful at the moment.
so anyways, off i go to watch tsubasa! haha!
and i realized that ann has a very loud voice. !!! she shouted at me from the front gate...and i was at the bus stop and i could hear her loud and clear. gah! that is some loud voice right? =) she's in ncc so i suppose she needs a loud voice to shout commands and all that! hah! and i really wonder how she found my blog? i wonder if hf tipped her of? but i don't think so right? =P
now i go! whoot! see you guys!
this has nothing to do with school, in case anybody is wondering. i think most people will get the idea of what i'm talking about. anyway, nobody from there will visit my'm sorry for being about it in here..but everyone..thanks for hearing me out!
and jasmine..i REALLY miss you. i wish you could see what is going on.
but i don't hate the thing i do there. not ever will i hate that.
i'm sorry for this ugly post.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
OK, i have so many things to blog about! see? that's the problem when I get lazy and don't update. got just much too many things to say. =( i'm sorry to Alan and Joy, HAHA. must be disappointing to come and see my blog so dead. hehheh.
Wells, today I want to blog about my outing with Yani, Val, Andrea and Jocelyn! We had this outing quite erm, some time I can still remember about it! We met at Yani's house after my cca and then we took a bus down to Orchard Cineplex to watch step up. Then Val and I saw this Cheers store then we rushed in to get a whole bagful of gummies out. hah! we sneaked that into the cinema. =) then we went into the cinema and sat down. yup. and i was eating the gummies and after that, the starting of Casino Royale came on. I've watched that james bond show but I missed the starting, so I just thought it was an advertisement for the show. but val watched it too, and then she was like.. Eh? isn't this the starting of casino royale? we didn't really pay any attention to what she said, then after that, the song started and we finally realised we were in the wrong cinema. how very clever! HAHA. so then of course we got out very sheepishly..i think everyone else was staring at us. eek!
Step Up was extremely amazing. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the dancing. I had no idea Channing Tatum could dance like that. It's wizard! If only there were more Channings in the world. HEH. I think I want to get the VCD when it comes out..or maybe, MAYBE someone could give me as a present! that would be a lovely bonus! =D
After the movie, we split up to have lunch. Joce and Andrea went to Burger King I think, then Yani went..erm? I it yoshinoya? then val and I went to Long John Silvers! YAY! I like that place. Val and I spent the whole time talking about tsubasa! It's super cool man! and..ANDREA..YOUR BLOG IS COOL MANS! (cos you got a tsubasa themed blogskin..yup yup! =))
So after lunch, we headed down to escape theme park! YIPPEE! First time I've been there in AGES AGES AGES. We sat on FLIPPER! VIKING! WET N WILD! and some others I can't really remember. but we didn't sit on everything. HOW SAD. =( but it was such a great time. for flipper we were stuck right at the top at one point and it was so THRILLING! JOCELYN. Next time we shall sit on the top tier for viking yo? =P haha..joce was so cute when we sat on the viking. But she was super brave! go jocey!
Our last ride was the wet n wild. Val, Yani and I queued for such a long time only to realize at our turn that only 2 people were allowed on the thingy. we felt so angry!! So one of us had to stay behind, and val was the one. I felt so bad.. =( sorry val! they could have just let the 3 of us on the ride right? since we were there already..sigh.
so that was the last ride, then all of us departed for home. Well, we didn't have SECRET RECIPE!!! UNFAIRRRRRR!!!! Never mind, NEXT TIME OK? MUST MAKE SURE WE GO THERE..RIGHT VAL? XD
but still i had a wonderful time with them! must go out somemore someday ok! =)
this concludes my post! no time to write some more! sorry! i shall write sooooon. I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE! YAY!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
chalet waiiitttinggg
Thursday, November 09, 2006 update =)
Helloo! Seminar was fun. The nights in the room were fun. And the mealtimes were fun too. And the shopping around was fun. HAHA. I sound so stupid. Like a primary one trying to write her first compo. Hehe. But on the whole, it was er..FUN, yeah! ok, another word? Marvellous.. =) I'll give you 2 more.. wonderful and great. Does anyone understand what I'm doing? I suppose not, never mind, just get the idea, seminar was FUN FUN FUN, and I'm going to miss it. I shan't elaborate because I don't have the time now. I've spent all my time playing WoW (ANY FELLOW WOWERS HERE? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW, COS I WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU GUYS!) because it's just so nice to be able to play it freely again.
I can't believe school's really out and over. Time really flies. We'll be sec 2s very very soon, and I can still remember the first day of school very clearly. It will be sad to leave 1sy. The first class that you come into when you first enter a new school leaves a very deep impression on you. So do the people in the class. I really wonder who'll be in my new class, I really wonder what class I'll be in!! I hope I'll be in the same class as most of you all. =) But I'll miss the wholeness of 1sy. By the way, is this colour I'm using pink? =P Ann says pink is a bimbo colour. WHATEVER. haha. It was fun to be her buddy. She and Subha were really nice, though I think subha is weird weird weird! HAHA. No la, Sub, you're way cool and nice ok? LOL. And i'm NOT NOT NOT least, not in the way that I know you're thinking. haha.
I want to change my skin to a Christmas one. But I can't find any suitable Christmassy skins. Christmas seems to have come early. Lots of places have already put up Christmas decorations. I feel so happy and excited that Christmas is coming. I love Christmas so much! It's the time where I can get to eat lots of wonderful yummy food and also a time I can spend with my cousins! =D This year I think I feel the Christmas feeling. =) and I like that feeling. YAY! I love Christmas. Too bad that Melbourne won't be snowing or in its winter season when we go there. In fact, it'll be SUMMER. URGH. More hot weather, as if Singapore isn't enough. BLEH. If only it was winter season in Melbourne...never mind. Be happy with what I have! haha! =)
I have ballet later. Sigh. I'm feeling so tired, and I don't want to get out of the house. and it's raining. geez. I realize I am blogging in a really funny way. I'm plonking all kinds of thoughts and events into one whole post. Never done this before. haha. =P never mind, next time I post, it'll most probably be about SEMINAR and PHOTOS will be up too! =) haha,,there's not much to say about seminar, because it was mainly talks but there're quite a number of photos and I do have stuff to say also yups!
See you next time on an update on seminar and hopefully, I'll be able to get a new nice Christmassy skin! =D keep reading and tagging my blog please! I don't want chinkie to die. =)
Friday, October 27, 2006
I shall miss 1SY lotsa and lotsa! I love you guys ALWAYS and FOREVER!
MUACKS to all of you and DOUBLE MUACKS to Miss Heng too!
and must i mention that i love Ann and Subha...(my wonderful buddies) as well!!! XD
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE IN THEIR END-OF-YEARS! STUDY HARD AND GET GOOD RESULTS! XD and I want to tell all those people that didn't do really well..don't give up! there's always hope and you can always do better! have faith and all the best!
don't overstress yourself and SMILE. DON'T commit suicide! LOL! (this goes especially to d.koo.) muahaha. =))
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Red cross charity draw booklets
Interesting stuff that I found out...this is the most interesting of the neighbour, who is like 70 years old or something, and has been living beside me for the past 13 years of my life ( ever since I was born), studied in SCGS!!! I was like woah! Really!
Okay..maybe I know that all of you may be this interesting..but I find it so..and I really found it a cool piece of information..ahhh..I don't know why though. LOL.
And I also found out that another girl living around here was also studying in SCGS. Yup, although now she's in university.
AND there's this woman who flatly refused to buy my tickets because she was helping her nieces who are ALSO in SCGS to sell THEIR own tickets.
so...scgs girls really do exist in my area as well..!! WAHAHA.
Alright, so anyway, to everyone who bought my's a
..without you, my parents would have probably gone broke! =) and without you, my tickets wouldn't have been sold! hahaha. so thank you! I know how it feels like now, to go around houses and ask people to buy your tickets. You feel so grateful and thankful and accomplished when you manage to sell of whatever you are selling. And you'll also treat the person MUCH nicer. Although you don't really feel anything really nasty or eveil against someone who doesn't buy your stuff, I don't know, you just feel nothing, I guess. HAA. So now, I shall try my best to buy stuff that people sell at the doorway. =D if it's of reasonable price of course.. my tickets were only $2 for one! ahhahaha.
So yay! and thanks to everyone who bought tickets from me! I love you! LOL. and I want to thank sam and yani as well..for buying me the wonderful jelly beans and for taking SO MUCH trouble to burn the cds for me respectively! XD
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I was in red group for GIB with Ranita, Subha, Rhea (head prefect leh!), Cheryl, Ying Zhao, and Michelle was our group leader. Oh, we were in the group MISS FUNKY. Cool huh? The rest of the groups names were really impeccable? hee..but I think it means something really good...we started of playing some whack-o, captain's ball amd duck-duck-goose. Had a lot of fun playing whack-o. We played DOUBLE whack-o as there was a lot of people, and it was so funny. The ones in front kept on screaming. And now i know that Rhea is good at screaming. She screamed so much and so loud. hahaha. She looks serious but uh..(can't say she isn't serious), but she can be uh.......playful? Whooo..yeah. Then after all those ice-breaker games, we had this like amazing race activity around Singapore. Yupp!
Our first stop was CHANGI AIRPORT. And when I got ready to get on the bus, I realized that I hadn't brought my e-z link card!!! I was like OMG OMG OMG!! How? I had to pay in coins first. But later we were going to take MRT to Changi! And paying in cash for the MRT train is like super duper expensive?! But what choice did I have? So when we reached Bugis station, I had to pay $2.60 for the ride. SIGH. I really wondered why in the world, on this day, I just HAD to forget my card. Like, I can forget my card on any other day other than this day?! Sheesh. And when we were travelling around Singapore some more. Like, almost around Singapore? Like, round the country and there would be MORE mrt trips and more bus trips, so later i will have like NO MORE money?! ARGH.
But I soon thought of a wonderful solution! See? Clever me! HAHAHA. But it involved someone AT HOME, and if he wasn't in a good mood, I was DEAD. But luckily, thank Mother Mary and the sky and the stars and whatever there is to thank, My brother was in a good mood and he agreed to come down and pass my card to me.. LOL. I called him and asked him to come down to Tanah Merah station when I was actually at Kembangan. Haa. And obviously I asked him to take a cab, but he still couldn't get there in time, then when he just got onto the cab, I actually told him to forget it, because I was already at Tanah Merah, and the train to the airport was there! I couldn't lag the whole group down just because I (on all days?!) forgot my stupid e-z link card. But then I got another brainwave. Ask my brother to come down to the airport instead! He was in the cab anyway. XP. So he was like... !!! But he still agreed. <3>THANKS SO MUCH KOR!
So we went off along to the airport and our task was to count stuff inside how many fire extinguishes and phones and so on. I was paired up with Subha. She's funny. Hee. =) After finishing counting our stuff, I finally finally saw my brother, and I finally finally finally! got my card. Then when everyone finished counting, we still had a lot of time, so we went to eat at Burger King. okay, so like after Rhea finished having 10,000 onion rings, (oh yeah! Ranita and I shared a Hershey's Sundae Pie, and the rest were like..cold cake in the morning? Well, who cares?! WAHAHA) we went on with our amazing journey. Took the train back all the way, as we had to go to Botanic gardens. We had a looong walk when we reached there. So hot and tired! Whenever I saw a buggy car, I would look at it longingly. SIGH.
But in the end, we still reached our destination. Once there, we had to finish drinking 2 litres of water. But the water was shared among all of us. We managed to finish it of course, then we had to go do some spastic thingy. We had to sing twinkle twinkle little stars right in front of people!! =.="! And Michelle had to record our performance down. Everyone was like looking at after we finished doing our mission at Botanic Gardens, we went to the Adam's Road food centre to have lunch. I had a plate of duck rice. Michelle was supposed to buy 4 big plates of food for us all to finish, but the food like never came. HAHA.
After lunch, we went back to school. Most of the groups were already there..but anyways, we had a talk after that, and the senior prefects role-played for us. They were super funny and great. We had this going on until dinner time, where we had really a lot of food to eat! and it was nice food too! The sec 4s came back for dinner as we were going to say farewell to them at the end of the day. So after dinner we had our skit presentation, and I think ours was really humourous! What with Subha and her funny accent. and the plot was so hilarious as well. FIBOMAKCIK!? LOL LOL LOL. The other groups were quite nice too lah.
Then after all the skits, it was time for water games! Water games at night! And 2 of the sec 4s joined our group. Louis (I think that's her name..ehheh) and VALERIE!! XD XD XD YAY! Okay so anyway, we had loads of water games and there were also people moving around using water guns to shoot unsuspecting people with water. There was this game where Valerie sacrificed herself and shaving cream was put onto her body! We had to throw water bombs at her to um, "clean" her. Not very successful though. So after that we had to go to the toilet and clean her up. The water games were fun lah, and being with Valerie made it even more fun. She was super funny and nice. She actually fell down once while running. Hee =p
After the games, it was time to cry. At least, for the sec 2s, 3s and 4s. They were having sec 4 farewell, and I guess is kind of sad. So the sec 2,3 and 4 started to cry. And we sec 1s were just like looking on and I was sort of stoning there. I don't really know the sec 4s, in fact, I don't even know any of them! Except for ... VALERIE (muahaha) and LI-SHAN (whom I met while I was swimming one day XP). But I didn't cry. Yes, and after a while, while all the other SCPB o5-o6 members were hugging each other, we sec 1s were let off. My father bought mango ice cream for me as he drove me home! Yay and thanks! =D
Tuesday's GIB was less fun, maybe cos the sec 4s weren't there and mostly it consisted of lectures. We were divided into our different commitees, and I am in .... ... a very important commitee! HAHAHA. All the commitees are important la I guess. ANYWAY, we ended very much earlier today (1.30), so today's GIB was really not fun. But we still played double-whacko, which will always be fun when you play with the older ones. =))
And now I know that I will probably miss the sec 4s, especially valerie!! BOO-HOO!
Friday, September 01, 2006
the day yesterday
Sadly, yesterday, I couldn't make it back to visit MY OWN wonderful primary school teachers. I had signed up for the prefect duty in the lounge room..yes I know that I did it, but I didn't know I would have to stay back until around 4, so...all my plans were crushed and flattened. T.T Didn't get to see my beloved 6A in the end. So now we MUST have the class chalet! Miss you guys so much and I was like so looking forward to seeing you all..but I really couldn't skip the duty. I asked Nicole but she said I couldn't. Sigh.
But doing the duty wasn't all that bad, and we got to mix around and know all the seniors. Chuch and I did neoprints duty. sounds really spiffy arhz? Haha, but it was just taking photos and then instant print. So we went to the teacher's lounge area to decorate it when everyone was watching the teacher's day concert. Quite relieved that I managed to escape sitting down for a very long time with so many people. Would get very hot and uncomfortable. Instead of doing that, I was in the lovely air-conditioned staff lounge, decorating stuff and being with super nice seniors.
Nicole was the overall in charge. She is a veryveryveryvery nice senior! She was so chatty and comfortable with us. Not at all reserved and very good-natured. Chuch and I were assigned into a different room from the rest of the seniors. WE were in a room with an xbox (seriously la! x-box you know! =.= for the teachers some more..) and the neoprint printing machine. Lin Yu lent us her camera for taking the the pantry..the rest were busy making drinks for the teachers. Then, in the main room where there were sofas and a massage chair and 2 REAL manicurists for the teachers, the rest were also busy preparing. WAHAHAS. Melissa was taking down the orders for manicures or something and at first i though she herself was going to help the teachers paint their nails. LOL. Then when she told me that real manicurists were going to come..i was like..woah. The teachers gonna have a shiok time in here loh. And the room really looked very nice. the lights were dimmed, candles were lit, there was this girl playing the guitar, was just beautiful.
After we were done with the preparations, (which included taking a really heavy antique pot up to the lounge..poor melissa had to carry one whole one by herself! =p) we watched the remaining of the teacher's day concert from upstairs. Could still see quite clearly you know! without being squished some more..hahaha. I liked the dance that 2 GY (issit this class?) put up. Everytime 2 gy dances, i amaze at their choreography. It's always so synchronised and that kind of dance is really cool. After the whole teacher's day concert, we went back into the room to await the teachers' presence. Mostly, Chuch and I hung out in our own xbox room. And no, we weren't allowed to play with the thing so we just sat around talking, waiting. I was so hungry...and luckily we were fed some snacks if not I would have fainted or something. LOL.
Soon, teachers started coming in. Obviously most of the teachers who came into my room were male teachers. Mr Jeow was the first one to come in and amuse himself in front of us. at that time,the other senior prefects came in as well to watch. Li-shan was there. >.<>
The manicurists had good business actually. Loads of female teachers went there. Mrs Fernandez looked very cute and funny in the scgs pe shirt and her hair tied up into 2 ponytails. Hui Fang was sitting down before her and massaging her feet. I was like (OMG)! when I saw that. =.='! Sheesh, but I am amazed at how close some of the prefects are to the teachers. Hui Fang seems to be very very comfortable with all the teachers.
Had lotsa fun in the pantry too. Went around drinking and trying out the different drinks that the seniors had made. Lucky we were given lunch. We ate the ;unch that was provided for the teachers! Cool huh? Whoot! It was nice... =)) and I was full and satisfied after that. hee.
After lunch, business wasn't as much so Chuch and I just hung around the pantry. No one was playing the xbox anymore anyway, and the printer thingy was getting out of ink soon. Sat around and chatted and played with the seniors. Melissa was there making drinks, and she was like just grabbing all the ingredients and pouring them and mixing them. Like a pro, but not really one. HAHA. She accidentally put too much of something inside, so ended up she had to add more of the other stuff, and we ended up with lots of drink. She decided to try it out, but couldn't find any cups, so she used a BOWL!! A bowl to drink a drink!? LOL LOL LOL. She looked super duper funny when she was about to drink and I started laughing like crazy. She also got caught on and continued laughing. Wahaha I love Melissa man. =D
After that everything slowed down and I didn't even bother to go back to the xbox room anymore. Sat around talking to Rachel and that crazy Melissa. Sarah was there too. And Sarah is a nice senior too. =)) She was helping out with the neoprints as well. Nicole was coming in and out and everything. Sadly, Sarah and Melissa had to go off for GIB meeting. Then it wasn't as fun anymore. Not as noisy. Then Hui Fang left, so Chuch and I asked whether we could go. After all, at that time, was approaching 4, or rather, was 4 already. So Nicole said that we could go. =D
It was such a fun time working with the prefect seniors. I love Melissa, Nicole, Sarah and Rachel! Ze Lei and Lin Yu were nice too, kept thanking Chuch and I for helping out. So now, after knowing what great seniors I have, I am really looking forward to GIB. SADLY, i am NOT in the same group as Melissa or Nicole or Sarah or Rachel. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! T.T Chuch got Yusnellie again and she's so lucky that she got her senior prefect!!!! NOOOOO...if only I had gotten my senior prefect again. Then it would be Melissa. =D anyways, cheers to all the prefects!!
But of course when I have one wonderful thing, I have to give up another wonderful thing. And I gave up seeing the beloved 6A class. sob. But I will always treasure 6A and love them and of Mrs Lim too!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Went to school as usual..and we had Mr Ang for first period. He showed us photos of him last time at the end of the lesson. He looked so FUNNY and SILLY last time okay..can't believe he actually could stand keeping his hair so long. LOL. He told us about what he did in England, and the photos are actually quite nice. =) I like Mr Ang. He's always so open with us and all that. It's good when a teacher is open, it's really nice to hear them talk about their life and past. Had a good time viewing all the photos. =D
After that we had art. DRAT. I started painting my flowers already, and Mrs Chia made me paint them pink purple and yellow. not too bad la I think. But art's still my least favourite subject. I get all jealous and green when I see people who's art work is SOO nice. =( Since art was so boring, there was this whole group of people sitting around and gossiping together. LOL. So funny la! They were like just gossiping and talking and laughing. And I was sitting right next to them!! hahaha, so I heard what they said..but it's really nothing evil or cruel, just teasing stuff.
Then recess..then chinese and science. I was pratically dozing off in science. Just could NOT keep my eyes open. Don't know why. Alyssa and Michelle Lee and Joyce kept laughing cos they saw my head drooping and my eyelids always shut. BLEH. Lucky Mrs Kee didn't catch me, if not..I would have been in SERIOUSLY HOT SOUP. Surprised that Mrs Kee didn't scold Desiree for screaming so loud in the canteen yesterday just because she saw a bug on Michelle Lee's shoulder. LOL. How stupid.
After that was HiP! and tricia, sing yee and wen fei and i just went up to the library..ahem..the air-conditioned library to do computer work. We stayed there for like almost the whole hip period, enjoying the computer, the air-con and the books. WAHAHA! XD We're just gophers anyway, and we didn;t have much to do. Shiok ah! =))
Last period was teo's lesson..we didn't do anything..just practised for aces day..which is like tomorrow!? Haiz..a bit tired of aces's quite stressful. after that everyone had to stay back for Honours Day.
Honours Day was just watching people go up and collect prizes. Wasn't at all fun..but I did see my lovely prefect senior MELISSA go up. HAHAHA..she was so cute!! Badminton captain!? HEE. But sh's extremely nice..and i just love her to bits!! YOU GO MELISSA!! =D LOVE YA! Sadly, she isn't in the same group as i am for GIB. SOB SOB SOB.
Lucky we didn't have to stay for the whole Honours Day thingy..we had to go down and serve food to the guests. hahaha...was quite okay..cos later we got to eat the food ourselves too!! XP Lin Chuch says I took a lot of food..but aiya..I was super duper hungry okay..and besides, all the prefects took so much food too anyway!! heeheehee =D
After started raining HEAVILY and the sky turned a tumultous BLACK. We were allowed to go home, so Chuch and I went to take our bags and brave the enormous rain to walk out to the bus stop. When we reached the bus stop, the rain kept hitting into my face, and i had to use the umbrella to shelter myself. When 960 came, i boarded the bus with my umbrella open. Had trouble getting into the bus with the open umbrella though, and I seriously felt so stupid struggling at the doorway. Chuch was sitting down there snickering. HMPH.
When I finally got to Bugis Mrt, my shoes were completely soaked and I had to bear with the disgusting squelch in my footsteps. Could just feel the water gushing beneath my feet. EW.
I reached home at 7.30 okay! This is the latest time I have ever reached home from school. HOO. what a long and wet day!!! to watch the remaning part of SI!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
This book is really a fantastic book. I love love love the story. It's about this girl called Isabelle (bella), who falls in love with Edward Cullen (how could she NOT fall in love with him anyway? He's so handsome and cool! =D). But things get complicated as Edward is a vampire ( a really hot one too! =P), and he drinks human blood. MUAHAHA. At first, he found Bella VERY appetizing, but he managed to restrain himself, and now, Bella and Edward are a relationship (so UNfair). It is a really really FABULOUS story..and I WILL MUST get it. Don't care what mum says..even though I have read it (thanks to joyce chiong. =) haha, lovely girl who loves edward too..), I must have the book! And no matter at what cost! Even if I have to earn money myself to get it..I WILL!! I must also get all the other books in the series. YAY! There's gonna be a second and third book...(which i WILL get), and the second book is coming out REALLLY SOOON! WHOO-HOO!! Yay! I shall see more of darling Edward soon...muahaha
Alright, this is all that I will blog for now...because I actually wanted to speed-blog. I only came to blog because Shenghao and Alan wanted to know who Edward was. If not for them..I would have been WOWING by now.. >:(. HMPH. See? I'm so kind right...keep my promise to you all. Anyway, I also don't want to keep my blog so anyway..shan't say much more..BYEE!! OF TO WOW!!! XD
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
National Day!!
Went home with Andrea. Was planning to go back to Yumin. They were having their carnival again. Haha. but of all days...the stupid train BROKE DOWN!!! Man, OF ALL DAYS LA! We had to wait at least 10 minutes for the train to get moving again. HAIZ. But still managed to reach Yumin at about 10 something. Saw Mrs Lim and Ms Hayati. ms Hayati kept teasing me about my school uniform. LOL. Went around with Joyann and Jiahui..they seemed to be the only ones (that I know) there. Bought drinks and brownies with free coupons that someone gave to Joyann. After that, Yi Chian, Valerie, Michelle Cheong, Ryan and Jianghan and some other people came. Can't really remember who. We just went around gallavanting the school. Nothing much to do. Took the lifts up and down to see the various classrooms. LOL. After the carnival closed shop, I went to have lunch at Macs. Then I had to go for tuition. Haiz. Nobody went anywhere after that. Quite pathetic actually. Mich went home very early like me too! And she came quite late actually..MM..anyways, teacher's day will be coming I hope to be seeing more of the 6A people..miss you all!!
Let's Dance!
August 5 and 6. OOOH. I won't be forgetting these 2 days any soon. Loads of emotional rides (?!) and loads of new friendships... =D
These 2 days were my performance days!!!! Wahaha, Crestar collaborated with a Shanghai dance group, but it wasn't exactly a collaboration I think..we didn't get to speak with the Shanghai girls!! How sad! They looked so friendly and some of them are really pretty.. =)) But they dance real good. And their costumes? Simply one word- WOAH.
But these 2 days, although nerve-racking and quite a lot of time taken up...could say it was worth it. On the last day of the performance, everyone was hugging and kissing each other. LOL. But I think everyone has forged a bond with many people during this performance thingy. Felt a lot of closeness, and I liked it. muahaha.
The concert part and dancing part was okay. Suffered from nerve-racking phobia when I had to do the jumps part with Jia Xin. Turned out okay..WHOO. couldn't NOT turn out okay also anyway...if not...DISASTER. And I thoroughly enjoyed myself while performing. =) smiled all the way. and I enjoyed the grand finale too. =D All of us FAME PEOPLE were hiding behind the door which was like SUPER CLOSE to the audience?! I swear the audience could hear us scampering and chattering behind the door.. hahaha.
Now I kind of like my astronaut-cum-scuba diving costume. Hahaha..I look at it with a sense of nostalgia and longing. Wish we could still perform again. Haiz. However, in my memory, I know I won't forget these 2 days anytime soon. So many new friends! First time we have participated in such a huge performance with all the other teachers students also in the same item!! I love them all!!
I am seriously looking forward to the next performance like this. WHOO-HOO!!! Hope it'll come by soon! <3 size="5">FAME ROCKS BIG TIME!!! Muahaha. =))
Did I mention that Joyce, Eileen, Wei Jia, Geraldine, Samantha, Betris and Syaza were taking loads of pics on the last day? they were posing for different genres of pics. They looked so cute!!!! hahaha.
...wishing for another concert like this...
Friday, August 04, 2006
Time flies...
I feel like a little dog sometimes, the teachers are forever throwing projects at us, and the projects are really big ones that require lots of meetings and materials, and HAND WORK, because we need to MAKE them. The projects just slap us across the face, and the teachers just expect us to pick up all the pieces, get into the right state of mind, and TADA! our project is done! WOW! and the best thing of all is, the teachers just get to sit back and relax as we present our project. Cool huh? I'm seriously dying from all these big no, GIANTLY HUMOUNGOUS projects. First it was Maths Carnival, then the Geography, then music, now there's Literature too. HMMM. Especially music. Mrs Goh just gets to sit there and enjoy our presentations!! All of us are like really really busy and tired from all choice..we still have to do all these things...they're GRADED!! MAN! How cunning of them..grade we do all the things well and properly..HAIZ.
Apart from all this stressful stuff, life in SCGS is still really nice and good. I'm buying the white SC tee shirt. It's really really nice! Simple, plain but so pretty!! I like the blue one too..because of the words..but in the end I decided on the white..poor Chuch had a hard time deciding which to buy..LOL. Dwee will be buying the red..not many people are buying the red I least from our's like rockish-punkish. HAAA.
Music was sooo humorous today. 2 groups presented their projects today. We had to like act out a Disney song. Joyce's group went first. They did "I won't say I'm in Love" from Hercules, and Joyce was Meg, the one who was singing the song, and guess what? Desiree was the Hercules statue by the river!!! LOL..she just stood there for the whole song like a.. a.. statue?! hahaha.. like some idiot actually..she looked quite silly. Ying Ying, Michelle Lee and Alyssa were the muses, and they were really funny...hahaha..Joyce lip-sang the song. They played the actual song on the radio..Joyce acted out Meg's part really well!! Though she was blushing furiously. =DD really enjoyed her performance.
Next was Tricia's group. They did "I Like to move it, move it" from Madagascar. =)) The whole group wore those "grass" skirts, and they shaked their butts to the song. They did it down in the eco-pond, and their performance cut into break, so the upper sec were all staring down from their classes. Tricia's group looked seriously funny. Esther was very cute. At the end of their performance, everyone shouted "encore!", just to make them do the whole thing again, or should I say..just to see Tricia shake her booty again..hahaha.. but no worries! their group will be doing their performance again!! =))
Music has made me want to watch all the Disney shows again...they just seem so lovely now...AHHH.. =D I'm so happy that it's a holiday next week! Free from stress for a while...
Saturday and Sunday is performance day.. ahh...feeling a bit sian about it..absolutely WORST of all..I can't study properly!! And I like have the 2 subjects that need the most memorizing tests on Monday!!! ARGH! Our costume's really's this absolutely shiny thingy..and I feel like an astronaut going into space when I wear it..I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Grand Valtz costume..It's like an ideal ballet costume..and it's just so so so so lovely. AHH. I'll feel like a princess when I wear it! too bad I'm not wearing it..
MMM...not much things to say already I guess...sometimes, I have a lot of thigns going through my head, and I really want to blog about them, but when I start typing, I forget everything! HAA! =p..ah well..see you guys then!! and have a happy national day holiday!! YAY! HOLIDAY!! REJOICE! YIPPEEE!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
WHOOT! A new skin!

A random picture to start off my Haa..this is Tifa, one of the characters in Final Fantasy 7, fighting one of the bad guys. She fights quite well, but is unfortunately injured in this fight. And her fighting is cool too! =D >>>>> See all the Final Fantasy character pictures and random pictures below! Whoot! Not really placed in proper order so..haha.. =D FF rocks!
IF ANYONE HAS ANOTHER FF VCD PLEASE TELL ME, I WANNA WATCH!! (i know that Andrea has one..hehe)

THIS IS OUR HERO CLOUD! =D =D =D SO HANDSOME!!! He's really cool in the show..suave and everything...WHOO! *Sigh. he's so good to look at..* HAHAHA
>Cloud...the handsomest guy!! =P hahaha
Can't get enough of Cloud...muahaha... <3
Vincent Valentine, another Avalanche member. He wears this long red cape which swishes about him whenever he walks. Looks quite cool.
Barrett, another Avalanche group member.
This is the real Sephiroth. He appears towards the end of the show, when he comes out to fight Cloud. His sword is ike long and thin, a wonder how he can fight against Cloud, who's sword is so fat and thick. The total opposite. Another bad guy, anyway.
Cait Sith, another Avalanche member. These 2 are very cute right? Hahaha..
Ultimate bad guy of the show Kadaj. Sephiroth's spirit possesses this guy. At the beginning of the show, Kadaj's gang chases Cloud around. That scene is very cool. He fights with a double-bladed sword, which looks kind of weird. HAa.
Reno (the one with the red hair) and Rude, the 2 practical jokers of the show. Reno looks quite cool, but he's actually a bit of a silly person.
This one is Yuffie here. Another fellow Avalanche group member. Not as pretty as the other 2 girls, but very funny.
Ahh..this is Marlene! The cutie-pie! o.O Doesn't she look so innocent and all? No wonder Tifa loves her so much. ;)
Aerith and one of Coud's other friend here. Aerith is Cloud's dead girlfriend, however, she always come out in the show like in a spirit form, always helping Cloud, and even curing him of his illness. She's very pretty too right? They only showed her face at the last part of the show.
Cloud holding Tifa. Tifa's been injured in a fight, and Marlene was captured.
This oh-so-pretty girl up here is Tifa, Cloud's friend and fellow member of the Avalanche group. So pretty ain't she? A very caring person too.
This 2 people here are Tifa and Marlene. Marlene is VERY cute. She's still a small girl, but she's oh-so-VERY-cute. They are both in Aerith's church, where Cloud lives. They are trying to look for Cloud.
Yaysy! I have a new skin! And it's on Final Fantasy! My new (passing) craze. hahaha. Final Fantasy 7, that movie, is really darn cool...and with a guy hero like Cloud Strife in it...whooo...another plus factor to watch it...MUAHAHA. Isn't Cloud like so handsome? And his fighting is so cool! He can join six of his swords together and form one big, fat, thick blade, and he used this sword to kill his long time evil rival, Sephiroth. There is one part where all of Cloud's friends lift and push him up into the sky to take down this big-winged beast, and that part was really nice. Cloud's dead girlfriend, also pushes him up in spirit, and that part was really really sweet and touching. And the music is also so wonderful! =D
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I'm out of hibernation!! =)
Last Friday I went over to Yani's house again to do the geoggie project. Yani's mum gave us lunch again =)) Nice yellow rice we had, and nice potatoes too..hee..and the mangoes that we had as dessert was really sweet. And I really like going to Yani's house because I get to see dear Rusty, her lovely cocker spaniel! =) but Eugenia is extremely afraid of it...and that day she was trying to convince herself not to be afraid of it..muahaha...didn't really work I think, she shrieked so much when Rusty came under the table. Ahahaha..After lunch, we started work (duh). Yani went into her freezing room to do the volcanoe, and the rest of us, Jocelyn, Joy and I, went to complete the powerpoint. However, Eugenia was there hogging the whole computer, and I didn't really do anything there. HAAA. And, Yani seemed to have lost all the information that I sent to her!! HOW CAN YOU YANI!? i spent quite a long time doing it okayy!! HAHA. BUT THATS A FACT. POOT.
Anyway, I got a record of 4 tests yesterday..could have gotten heart attack and fainted right in class man. Most of my tests were really bad okay..and my literature poem collection thingy..less than 20!!! How can Miss Teng be so stingy with her marks?! T.T I feel so sorry and sad for my poor printer! And my eyes! So much time and ink wasted. HAIZ. And my geog...HAIZ HAIZ HAIZ. I spent SOO MUCH TIME BAWLING MY BRAINS OUT REMEMBERING ALL MY TROPICAL SAVANNAH THINGY..AND I STILL GOT SO LOW!!! ohhhhhh...
I've gone ON POINTE FINALLY! Quite some time back I haven't blogged for some time already...but pointe is really quite you have to push your er...(weight?) right over your ankles, so that the shape of your feet is nice, and now, THAT is painful. But I still love it, although Joyce says she now hates it. I LOVE POINTE AND I WANT TO DO IT EVERYDAY!!! MUAHAHA...
Anyway, com studies is ending now..I will blog more tomorrow as tomorrow's E-Learning day and there's no school!!! WHOO-HOO!! YAY!!! KEEP READING!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Today's CIP..I also felt really happy, even though it was jsut with Andrea. We did shelving today!! haha... =p putting back all the boooks and all....the books had to be in alphabetical order...and if the book was labelled with numbers, then it must be from the smallest number to the biggest. I realized it was quite an easy thing to do....if everyone puts back all the books in the correct order as well. We all shouldn't just dump the books anywhere we want-either put them back into the correct shelf and in the correct order, or put them in the book cart. Haha...see? this has helped me to understand how tough it is to be a librarian...and to be more considerate towards them....doing CIP at the library is the easiest and best I think. =D It'll be fun when you bring friends along...and what's's in an air-conditioned area too! And you can see many great books and keep them in your mind too!!! HAHAHA... =) but it was a good time..
Friday, June 30, 2006
First week of school...
We've changed places...I miss sitting beside Samantha. I'm not familiar with Nan not diagonally in front of me. I've entered a different world with the seats all changed..
The geography model-making project...whooo...another "math carn" alike nightmare to complete...what's it going to be next? A chinese project? uuurrrrgggghhhh....
Got into Introduction To Theatre for HiP! programme thing. In it with Wen Fei, Tricia, and a few others from SY. Not many of them I'm familiar with....just Wen Fei, I guess. Wonder what we're going to do during this course, it's taking our RAP period away, and that is unfair. But it's better than staying back and doing it after school.
Miss Dora Ong has resigned. Wonder why everyone hates her so much. She was quite nice. Don't think that those people ought to have criticised her that to all those who did.
We're having art now in place of home econs. So far, this first lesson, still quite okay, we just worked with dots and lines, and the art teacher is quite okay la.
Home econs test All MCQ questions. And most of them aren't in the textbook. And to think I busted so many of my poor brain cells trying to cram every nitty gritty bits of information into my brain. Most of it was common sense. But, fortunately, not all my efforts were wasted. A bit of the textbook stuffy came out.
Errr...not that much to say...tired le...anyways..I got back my Friday slot for British Council. At first, I thought that mum had only paid for half-a-year, so I got all panicky on Wednesday to check up with them whether they had anymore of the 7.30 slots, but they were full!! Walao, I could cry man! I wanted that slot so much! All my friends there...but luckily, I called again and asked them if my name was down for the 7.30 Friday class, and thank GOD, it was!! SO HAPPY!!! YAY! =D=D
So I'll be going for british council tonight..see you guys...
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Doggies, and Ah Sin Ee's "party"
- can keep me company when there is no one in the house
- can play with it when I am lonely
- can guard the house and chase away lame people
- can make me happy when I am sad
- can always go to it if I am depressed
- make me more responsible, as I will be in charge of cleaning it and all that..
- can get more exercise as the dog needs some walking
- mmmm...I can't think of anymore....when I think of some more, I will post them onto my blog..but makes you a happier person when you have a dog. And surveys show that, it makes a person healthier when they own a dog.
- Need quite a lot of money to take care of the dog
- takes up a lot of time, to train it, bathe it...etc
- can be noisy if it barks continuously
- can be stinky
- can make a mess in the house
- can damage the furniture in the house
PROS [8] CONS [6]
Right, so, there're more pros in my doggie list. MMMMM....still....I guess it's up to the parents, but I will be in charge if we do get a dog. Haha.
This is the kind of dog that I want to get...A MALTESE! SO DARN CUTE RIGHT? XD
6 June..
It's setting off day to SIBU!! And what makes this trip ultra great is that I'm going with my cousins!! Em, Mel, Darren, Dylan and Marcus!! Whooopeee!! =) I haven't gone on a holiday with them for a really long time, so I'm really really looking forward to this one.
Woke up at 5.15 today. Had to be at Ah Mun Ee's house by 6.30, because we were taking a coach down to the jetty, where a ferry would take us to Sibu ISLAND. And as in island, it really was an island just by itself. No other great civilisation city near us, not at all, just other little islands here and there.The coach would be at Ah Mun Ee's house at 6.30, so we all had to go there early. Dad was fetching mum and I there, and knowing dad, we won't have a chance to be late when we go with him, so Aunty Kat was worried about us being late for nothing. =p Only Mum and I were going, cos Dad couldn't take leave, and Kor was going on a trip overseas with his school. Well, so we reached her house at 6.10!! (so early la!) we were the first ones there! Hahaha..Darren and Dylan were still getting ready, and my mum, wanting to help, went to toast Dylan's chicken pie for him. But she didn't know how to use their toaster, so the pie ended up getting burnt and BLACK. WAHAHA. so much for helping. =p. In the end, Dylan couldn't have his pie cos it was thoroughly burnt, and he was like , "Mum, where's my chicken pie?". LOL. He's only 6 anyway. Soon, everyone arrived, Ah Peng Ee being the last cos I think she was busy preparing all her food... ** =)
So we got onto the bus! After everyone came, and off we were!! Down to SIBU! I sat with Em on the coach. At first, all of us were quite excited and lively. Then slowly, we began to simmer down, and by the second hour, I fell asleep. Em too. Mel, for a while, and the boys were just glued to the gameboy. 3 hours later, we reached the jetty. THREE HOURS!!! I didn't go to the toilet for those three hours on the bus okay!! I never knew I was so strong.. haa. =D
About 12 something, the ferry arrived, and all of us had to wear life jackets on board it. We sat in the air-conditioned area for a while, then went up to the open area, where the strong wind blew in our faces. Really nice feeling. =) But after sitting there for quite some time, we had to go back down, because it was raining heavily up ahead, and water was pelting into our faces, and that wasn't very nice and comfortable, so we went back down.
About half-an-hour of the boat ride, we arrived at Sibu, and it was raining heavily. One look at's full of nature..trees's sort of like a resort feel. We had the people to come out and shelter us with umbrellas back to the lobby. The lobby is not air-conditioned. All the buildings are like made of wood? Not real wood la, but sort of like wood..resort-type. get what I mean? If you don't.. too bad..We soon got the keys to our rooms, each family one room, so four rooms in total. But it was raining, and this time, no people came to shelter us, so we had to run all the way back to our rooms. All of us ran, and reached mum and my room first, so we all chiong in, and escaped from the rain.
We ate our lunch there. The room is quite big, consists of 2 rooms, one living and one bedroom, and of course a toilet..we ate the food that Ah Peng Ee brought. Then, after lunch, we realized that there was a deer outside our room. All of us rushed down to see it. We approached it slowly, and tried to feed it bread. It did take our bread, and when you fed it off your hand, you could feel it's breath on your palm..whoo. We succeeded in feeding it quite a lot of bread, then it scampered of..don't know why..haha.
Later we went down to the beach, and the beach is like WOW. seriously WOW. The water is so so so super clear! You can see the bottom and even all the little fishes that are swimming in the water! Can you get this in Singapore? Obviously not right? The sea is littered with all kinds of rubbish, and the water is so murky..EEWW. This beach is just beautiful. Saw a lot of marine life, many kinds of fishes, corals, crabs, and even jellyfish! But they were all dead, all of them had washed up onto the shore..if we saw a live jellyfish, we'd probably run away..cos it's poisonous! But it's the first time I ever came so close to a jellyfish. It's so transparent, and Mel and I used a stick to poke one of them. It's hard. After a while at the beach, we went down to the swimming pool to swim. Had quite a fun time there.
We had to get up from the pool about 4 something, because we were going on a sunset cruise at 6. So we went up to shower.
About 6 something, we boarded the ferry and we went out into the open sea..the ship made one big round around Sibu, then it stopped halfway in the sea and let us enjoy the sunset. It was beautiful. How many times can you see a sunset right in front of you? We were able to watch the whole sunset, the sky slowly turning from blue to pale orange, then orange, then it finally became dark. Most of us sat there silently, just enjoying the gentle breeze and serenity of the place, and the gentle lapping of the waves, causing the ship to rock gently. It was total peace. I felt all my troubles going away. Seriously. It was a really nice feeling. =)
Once it was dark, we went back to Sibu, where we had the buffet dinner. There were 3 people who were singing for us in the restaurant. It was nice. We made friends with the 2 singers and the guitarist. They are really friendly people. After dinner, we all went back to our rooms. That night, Em and Mel slept with me in my room!! =)
7 June...
Woke up about 7 something today. Yeah, you all would say early, but got no choice..had to be at the breakfast area by 8 something. We were going snorkelling today!! YAY! First time I would be snorkelling. Had a great breakfast. Got some omelete, but the most exasperating thing was the flies that kept coming round to our food. It landed once on my precious omelete when I wasn't at the table and I was like so irritated that Marcus and Darren hadn't chased it away for me! Haha...
After breakfast, we boarded a jet-boat that brought us to yet another island. But this island didn't have any civilisation, WE were the civilisation that was going there. We had all our snorkelling gear with us. And so, once we were done applying all that sun-block, of we went! running down towards the open sea, shouting and splashing water. =) the sea here was really clear too! And you could really see all the small little fishes. When you hold some bread in your hand, and put your hand under into the water, all the small fishes will zoom to you, and start nibbling the bread from your hand. Really fascinating. But the one thing that was scary during our snorkelling was the jellyfish. We were told to scram once we saw a jellyfish. So, as we were having a good time snorkelling and looking at all the pretty fishes, we also had to look out for jellyfish. I felt really scared. But we still swam out to quite deep areas. After we were quite tired, we went onto the shore, and we covered Darren up in sand. When he broke free from the sand, his whole body was like full of sand. =p then it was our turn. Uncle Fabian, my mum and Darren covered Mel, Em and me with sand. We were fully covered with sand!! Hahaha...but down inside the sand, I was still playing with their fingers. Waha. Then, we, too broke out from the sand heap, and we, too, were like Darren. Our whole body was full of sand!! =P=P. Went to wash it off in the sea. Soon, about 12 something, we had to go back. I felt positively blacker after being in the sun. We had a long, good shower when we came back. Then we had lunch, and we planned what to do next.
AND YES! FINALLY AFTER A LONG LONG TIME, we decided to go and PLAY BILLIARDS!! Yeah man! I love that game! And I haven't played it for quite some time. We went to rent the sticks and balls, then we teamed up into groups to play. Melanie and Marcus were playing for their first time, and now, Marcus is hooked on to billiards too!! AHA! =) We played for an hour, and in that hour, we couldn't even finish one game! the balls just couldn't get into the hole. There was twice when I hit the white ball and it, in turn, hit the other ball, but that ball just stopped right in front of the whole! GOSH. It was so frustrating. The hour was soon up, and I felt myself yearning for more. But, we went back to the room, and played cards. (and many rounds of murderer and detective... =p) Then, we had a round of volleyball, but it wasn't like real volleyball where we hit the ball with our hands. We just played passing against the boys, and we lost to them. -.- Unfair.
We played til dinner time, then showered before we had dinner. Too bad we were late, the singers had already gone. We went back to the room after dinner, and talked until quite late, then went to sleep. The aunts were all playing mahjong in our room when we went to sleep. I'm really surprised at them. They really love to play mahjong. They even had a mini-mahjong set which they brought with them for this trip, and they were using this mini-set to play mahjong! woah! they really can play arhz...hahaha... =p
8 June...
OOOH, guess what? Today we will be going to a KELONG!! TO FISH!! =D =D FIRST time I will be fishing...don't know whether I'll be lucky and be able to catch any fish... muahaha..probably not..but must hope for the best right? So anyway, we went to have breakfast, and I had another omelette. =) same stuff again. And this time, I didn't just see the flies, I saw a rat too. YUP, A RAT!!! ULTIMATE YUCK AND ZILCH. >( It was really big lah...first time I ever saw such a big and ugly and disgusting and a total-ruin-my-appetite rat in my whole entire life. Everytime I see other rats, they're either dead or they're running in the dark, cannot see clearly. That rat sure sent goosebumps on me man!
After breakfast, sat on the speedboat to the kelong. This time, when we sat on the speedboat, there was a lot of water splashing into our faces. Quite uncomfortable. The journey was quite long, but when we reached the kelong, I was like kind of shocked. We were going to be just standing on wooden boards that were built above the sea. They were supported by wooden poles. Later somebody makes a hole in the wood, then they fall in....*shudder* don't know what will happen to them. But I don't think they will die, but it's going to be super uncomfortable to fall into the deep sea with all your normal day-clothes on. hahaz.
Once we reached the area, and settled down to where we were going to be fishing, all of us unreeled our fishing spools, hooked on the squid bait, and lowered the spool. First few times, the bait came out very easily. The fish just pulled at the bait, and poof! before you know it, all of it is gone and it's gotta be replenished. Aunty Kat caught the first fish. Cool huh? Never thought one of the aunties would catch one...heh. The fish was brown and white, kind of looked like a puffer fish, because the top of it was covered with some spiky brown stuff, but of course it wasn't a puffer fish. Then after she caught one, Emma and Darren caught one fish each too! WOAH! I was like so jealous...haha....almost one and a half hours had gone by, and I hadn't even scratched one fish! Darren had caught two...felt so depressed. Haha, but after much blood and sweat, (patience, sweat and much replinishing of squid, more like) I finally finally caught one fish that resembled aunty Kat's. Woah, at that point of time, I was happy like anything!! =D Then, after that, my lucked changed, and I caught about 5 fish before we went to have lunch. YAY! We had lunch at the kelong, it consisted of soup, vegetables, chicken meat, and of course, seafood was on the menu too. After lunch, I caught 2 more fish, bringing the list to 7 in total. =)=) really happy. One of the fish I caught was quite big, slightly bigger than my palm, I caught it in the stomach. Wonder how I did it. That fish was blue and silvery white in colour, very special. Each of us cousins all caught one of that kind of fish you know!! right? Before we left the kelong to go back to Sibu, we threw all the fish back into the sea, all of them were dead anyway. Haiz. Before we made our way back down them ladder and into the boat, I saw a real puffer fish! Some man was holding on to the tail of the fish, and what's more, the fish's cheeks and body were bloated, and round!! It had puffed up! =p was really cool. When the man dropped it back into the sea, it hit the sea with a loud PLONK, cos it was round and fat anyway.
We went to play billiards again when we went back, and also swam around in the shallow waters in the sea. Saw lotsa those small fishes again. And I saw quite a number of tiger fishes too!!!! =) And, as we all found out, if you hold the bread in your hand, and just sit in the water, the bread submerged underwater, and you slowly rub the crumbs out into the sea, all the small fish will come to you, and they jsut swim through your arms and legs and everywhere, really ticklish but comfortable. But they come for the bread, of course.. LOL. We got up after almost 2 hours of swimming, and went to have a good shower. We also went to feed the deer. It can get quite intimidating when 3 or 4 of them surround you at once for food, their warm breath blowing onto your I got a bit scared...Then we had our dinner, and went off to bed soon after.
9 June...
Going home already! HAIZ. I was so immensely sad when this day came. This horrible day. It forces me to leave behind the wonderful memories of Sibu. But anyway, protest as we might, we just have to go, all of us packed up, and prepared to board the dferry back and bus back....ooh... SOB SOB SOB...bye bye to Sibu!! We'll always remember and love you!! haha...we had a seriously lovely time anyone who wants to go on holiday, do try going to Sibu, it's like the ultimate paradise. Beaches, scenery, fish, everything that everyone has dreamed about in paradise. =) go there!! and what a wonderful holiday this has been.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
2 June-
Hehhehheh!! I turn 13 this year! A teenager! Whoots! =)=) As no one was gonna be at home today, I decided to go out with my darling best friends, my true friends whom I miss so much!! So, we fixed everything up, and decided to go to Tampines Mall and watch a movie then have lunch. Met Meiying, Yi Chian, Amanda and Lee Jiahui there, and we went to watch Over The Hedge, the cute cartoon flick. It wasn't very long, I think only about 1 hour 20 minutes like that. We bought snacks before the show started. I bought Gate Crashers!! YEAH! the sour gummies from The Natural Confectionary. I love them so much! (I've started to like those gummies!! *hint*). So anyway, after we bought everything and smuggled the food in to the cineplex..heh..we sat down and watched the movie! (duh). It was a very very funny and cute flick, and also quite emotional... =) but on the whole, a nice show with lotsa meaning! After the movie, we weren't so hungry yet, so we went to take neoprints ( =D ) first. We took some really nice neoprints!! (thanks to those wonderful creative decorations from ah-ma and Lee Jiahui.. =)) LOL, then we went to have lunch at the food court. After having our lunch, Yi Chian and Lee Jiahui decided to go walking round the mall, because we thought it was too late to go to Pasir Ris park. So that left Amanda, Meiying and I. We went up to the neoprint centre again, then Jieying came rushing here, so we thought, us being so nice and all, we decided to take neos with Jieying. HAHA. The neos turned out really great too.. =) Then the trio decided to go cycling, but I had to go home, cos mum was taking me out to dinner, so I went home...
For dinner, mum had invited Mel, Amanda (lee) and Emma, and we went to a seafood place in East Coast Park, since I love crab so much..hehehe. We had an awfully nice dinner, then we walked round the Park for a while, looking out at the first Mel thought the artificial pool was the sea..and Em and I kept laughing.. =) We pretended to be drunk too..and Mel kept on stepping on my feet in her big chunky shoes... -.-
All in all, quite a good birthday I guess...thanks to all the wonderful people who spent it with me!! love you guys!! (by the way, ah-ma, where's my hong-bao?? =p)
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The days...
Went to watch Grease on Sunday. It was just fab!! =) I still prefer Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta though, but I enjoyed this one all the same. The songs were still as lovely and all. This one was shorter, of course, and I saw Gurmit Singh and Adrian Pang there at the stadium too. LOL.
I have nothing more to blog about, I guess, been stuck at home the whole time, trying to finish up all the homework and I've only been out when I need to go for ballet. Ballet's wearing me out. =( So tiring, and I always ache like mad after class...poot. Class is so stressful!!! Anyway, will come back to blog when new things have you guys!! =D (happy birthday to me >>in advance..)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
On Monday, I had another Inter-found class, and it was like....oh man, my eyeballs were seriously popping, and I felt so HOT and TIRED doing all the exercises in the centre. Especially after all the jumps, my whole body just like wanted to collapse on the floor..I hadn't even had dinner, mind you, I was counting on Ms Lee to end at the stated time, 8, or at the most, 8.30, then I could go and have dinner with daddy. But no, she didn't finish til 9! 9 o'clock!! My gosh, I was seriously dying in the room. She kept making us doing the everlasting jumping exercises, and each exercise, we repeated about 4 times?! Haiz, and Ms Lee kept demanding that we point our feet to the very fullest. But I just couldn't carry on anymore, I just fumbled through the exercises, yeah, I am definitely not ready for inter-found yet. Whoo, just gonna die of the exercises? And not to forget that there is still pointe work..whoa..cannot me!!!!! LOL
Last week has been pretty okay I guess, enrichment all the way..and Tuesday we had a robotics course thingy..which I am still very confused about. Haha, dunno what I'm going to do about the robotics competition this Friday..Whoot..have no school yesterday and today, as the teachers are tied up with talking to the parents in the 2 day parent-teacher dialogue session. =) YEAH <3 anyway, last day of school this Friday!! YAY!! gonna have a pizza party!! hahaz..want to go and play my computer game seeya guys!! Happy holidays!! hahaz..have a great last day of school!! whoppiee!! oh ya...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOYANN!! MUACKIEZ! LUV YA GIRL!! =D